Alien Visitors


The Dropa Stones

The Dogons

Mysteries of the Yellow Emperor - The flying tripods




The Dropa Stones
The story of the Dropa for us begins in the same place, but the year is 1938. The mountains are the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains on the border that divides China and Tibet. An archaeological expedition, led by Chi Pu Tei, has trudged into the barely accessible mountain range, and has happened upon some caves that had obviously been occupied by a primitive people long ago.On the walls were carved pictograms of the heavens: the sun, the moon, the stars, and the Earth with lines of dots connecting them. Then the team made the most incredible discovery of all. Half-buried in the dirt floor of the cave was an odd stone disk, obviously fashioned by the hand of an intelligent creature. The disk was approximately nine inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch thick. In the exact center was a perfectly round, 3/4" hole, and etched in its face was a fine groove spiraling out from the center to the rim, making the disk look for all the world like some kind of primitive phonograph record.This one plate, dated to be between 10,000 and 12,000 years old , but the wonder was multiplied manifold. In all, 716 such plates were found. And each held an incredible secret. The groove, upon further inspection, was not a groove at all, but a continuous line of strange carved hieroglyphics -

(Click at the picture for full size)

Dr. Tsum Um Nui , in 1962, painstakingly transcribed the characters from the disk to paper. The writing was so small he had to use a magnifying glass to see it clearly. But the stones were old - perhaps 12,000 years old, it was estimated - and much of the hieroglyphics were difficult to make out or had been worn away by time and the elements. As he worked, many questions nagged the professor. How did these primitive people fashion these precise stones? How did they manage the almost microscopic writing? Who were they and what was the purpose of these hundreds of stones? Once the characters were transcribed, Dr. Tsum Um Nui began the arduous task of trying to decode its message. Eventually, he began to make progress. A word emerged. Then another. A phrase became understandable, then an entire sentence. He had broken the code. He discerned that the messages on the stones were written by a people who called themselves the Dropa. But what they were saying to him 12,000 years later made no sense. What the Dropa had written must have been one of their cultural myths, or was part of some prehistoric religious ceremony. Or was it? When he had completed the translation the professor wrote up a paper on his findings and presented it to the university for publication. Their reaction was swift and emphatic: the paper would not be published. The Academy of Prehistory expressly forbade him to publish or even speak of his findings. The world, the academy decided, should not know about the Dropa and their fateful journey to Earth.The Dropa disks tell the story of a space probe from a distant planet that crash-landed in the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of the Himalayas. The occupants of the spacecraft - the Dropa - found refuge in the caves of the mountains.The stones go on to say how the Dropa were unable to repair their disabled spacecraft and could not return to their home planet, and so were stranded on Earth. If that's true, have their descendents survived?

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The Dogons
The Dogons are a people well known by their cosmogony, their esotericism, their myths and legends that interest foreigners at the highest point in search for culture or tourism.
The population is assessed to be about 300,000 people living in the South West of the Niger loop in the region of Mopti in Mali (Bandiagara, Koro, Banka), near Douentza and part of the North of Burkina (North west of Ouahigouya).
The Dogon's (Mali, Africa) homeland has been designated a World Heritage site for its cultural and natural significance.  They are also famous for their artistic abilities and vast knowledge about astrology, especially the Sirius star, which is the center of their religious teachings.  The Dogons know that Sirius A, the brightest system in our firmament, is next to a small white dwarf called Sirius B, which was not identified by western scientists until 1978. The Dogons knew about it at least 1000 years ago. Sirius B has formed the basis of the holiest Dogon beliefs since antiquity.
Western astronomers did not discover the star until the middle of the nineteenth century, and it wasn't even photographed until 1970. The Dogons go as far as describing a third star in the Sirius system, called "Emme Ya" that, to date, has not been identified by astronomers. In addition to their knowledge of Sirius B, the Dogon mythology includes Saturn's rings and Jupiter's four major moons. They have four calendars, for the Sun, Moon, Sirius, and Venus, and have long known that planets orbit the sun.
How this Dogon's Enigmatic Scientific Knowledge about Astronomy came from?
According to their oral traditions, a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. They also appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius. The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an "ark" that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B !
(Picture: The original Dogon couple.This is one of the greatest symbols of the Dogon civilization. Sculpting represents spouses)

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Mysteries of the Yellow Emperor - The flying tripods
(From the Mysteries of the Yellow Emperor Huang-ti (27th century B.C.), who, it is said, lived in those misty reaches of time before the Shang dynasty, China)

Of all the "Sons of Heaven" it was Huang-ti who had left the "largest footprint" in the Chinese mythology. He first made his appearance in the Huang He River basin.
Huang-ti was very different from other ancient heroes. He did not enlighten people, did not demand worship. Huang-ti and his helpers were amazingly rational beings. Of course, they did teach the natives all kinds of useful sciences, including the acupuncture. However, most important for them were their own affairs. And such affairs were dominated by the creation of complex, and alas, incomprehensible (at least, to us) apparatuses and contrivances
Numerous sources relate that Huang-ti manufactured and used some "miraculous tripods." The "tripods" were not used for water, nor was there any fire to heat and prepare food in them. The purpose of such a "tripod" was quite different: it was a "likeness of the Great Infinite," Tao, the concealed engine of the Universe. A "tripod" was approximately 3-4 meters in height, but its volume relatively small: 100 liters. The legs carried most of its weight. A curious human observer would not be able to glance inside the "tripod," but sources did say that "hundreds of spirits filled its insides." The legends of ancient China said that the "tripods" depicted "dragons, flying in the clouds"; it was the same "dragon" who eventually arrived and carried off Huang-ti and his colleagues. Most likely the "tripods" were used for distant communications, because their location were chosen in such a way that the star Syuan Yuan would be pointed at. It is from that star that Huang-ti arrived on Earth. We know this star as Regulus, of the Leo constellation.

This Attic vase was painted by the "painter of Berlin" (who got his name after an amphora in Berlin that ranks among his major works), circa 490 B.C., its height is 58 cm.
The Greek god Apollo is seated on a winged tripod , riding over the sea (hyperpontios), which is denoted by fish and an octopus.
Two dolphins leaping over the waves accompany him. Apollo plays the lyre.

The reader can see very easy the similarity of the tripod's myth and the tripod's image coming from different ancient civilizations. Is this a mythological representation of heroes and gods a ancient's human fantasy , need or is it originate from a secret knowledge unknown to us? Do you think Aliens came to Earth at Ancient times?


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Do you believe that aliens gave or left the secret knowledge to Ancient Men with their appearance on Earth or there were times that Ancients had a civilization compatible to ours?
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