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The Egyptian lamp The Baghdad battery Assyrian Seal The coffin of Henettawy Last Update:07/11/2001


The Egyptian lamp
A strange thing, which can be found in an underground cavern below the Hathor-temple in Dendera, Egypt. A few pictures of bulb-like devices, into which two small arms reach before its thick, rounded end. These arms are supported by a column which looks much like a modern high voltage insulator. At the thin end however runs something like a cable into the glass bulb. From this striking out and almost reaching the arms on the other side a snake can be seen, hanging in the air. The whole arrangement has a striking resemblance to an electric lamp.


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The Baghdad battery
The clay jar and others like it are part of the holdings of the National Museum of Iraq and have been attributed to the Parthian Empire — an ancient Asian culture that ruled most of the Middle East from 247 B.C. to A.D. 228. The jar itself has been dated to sometime around 200 B.C. It was first described in 1938 by German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig, and to this day, it is uncertain whether Konig dug it up himself or found it archived in the museum. So how is it that a 2,000-year-old clay jar can be called a battery? Those who’ve examined it closely say that there’s little else that it can be. The nondescript earthen jar is only 5½ inches high by 3 inches across. The opening was sealed with an asphalt plug, which held in place a copper sheet, rolled into a tube. This tube was capped at the bottom with a copper disc held in place by more asphalt. A narrow iron rod was stuck through the upper asphalt plug and hung down into the center of the copper tube — not touching any part of it. Fill the jar with an acidic liquid, such as vinegar or fermented grape juice, and you have yourself a battery capable of generating a small current. The acidic liquid permits a flow of electrons from the copper tube to the iron rod — an electric flow — when the two metal terminals are connected.
This is known as an electrochemical reaction, and it’s not any different from how the batteries in your Walkman work.
Experiments with models of the Baghdad Battery have generated between 1.5 and 2 volts. Not a lot of power. So what would batteries have been used for 2,000 years ago? It’s well known that the Greeks and Romans used certain species of electric fish in the treatment of pain — they’d literally go stand on a live electric eel until their gout-pained feet went numb. Perhaps the battery was used as a ready source of less slimy analgesic electricity. Other theories hold that several batteries could have been linked together to generate a higher voltage for the use in electroplating gold to a silver surface. More experiments with several Baghdad-type batteries have shown this to be possible. The little jar in Baghdad suggests that Volta didn't invent the battery, but reinvented it.

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Assyrian Seal
Modern impression of a cylinder seal of the early first millennium B.C. in Babylonia and Assyria were carved in the linear, drilled, cut, and modeled styles. The modeled style illustrated here derives from earlier Middle Assyrian seal carving and from the modeled sculpture in the palace of Sargon II (r. 721–705 B.C.), king of Assyria at Khorsabad. This style was used predominantly on seals showing scenes of contest and worship.On this cylinder seal a statue of the goddess Ishtar stands on a platform within a canopied enclosure. Ishtar is identified by crossed quivers, a starred crown, and stars encircling her body. Two winged genies protect the enclosure, while a kneeling figure worships.This is the official explanation but it don't look like a canopied enclosure the goddess Ishtar surrounds !(Click at the picture for full size)

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The coffin of Henettawy
The outer Coffin of Henettawy : dated about 1040–991 B.C.E., Dynasty 21, Third Intermediate period, Egyptian Thebes, Plastered and painted wood; L. 79 7/8 in. (203 cm)
You can see at the left picture close to the guardians images like modern lamps ! Do you know what are those ?

(Click at the picture for full size)

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