New Intake

Conditions for New Intake :-

  • Father died and there was a death certificate, or both.
  • Boys, aged 10 and 11 years old.
  • Good and satisfactory level of education.
  • Coming from a poor family.
  • Have good health.

Process of Intake

  1. Fill out the entry form and attach a copy of the death of father, birth certificates, school reports and health card ( from school ).
  2. Mother/guardian and the child will be called for an interview .
  3. If elected, the management of Rumah Ilham will send letter and the letter of offer of admission to the school headmaster origin. The school will provide a letter of exchange to be for parents / guardians .
  4. Letter exchange of the old school of 4 copies should be given to us to manage our exchanges with the Federal Ministry of Education.
  5. After obtaining approval from the Ministry of Education, we will issue a letter to the registration entry into the hostel.
  6. Mothers/caregivers are encouraged to bring everyday clothing, daily needs ( if any) and existing school uniform.
  7. Nothing admission fee is charged .

Inquiry Form