Just Who Is Freaky Freak?

Well, let's see. Here's stuff about me:

See what I'm doing! LIVE on my "Freaky Cam"! Click here!

Now, some more about me personally. I'm into punk rock and 3rd wave ska. No, it's not because it's the latest 'trend', it's cuz I seriously like the music and the beliefs and views of punk rock. Although, I have to admit, I DID first get into punk with Green Day. BUT, at this time, I caught their video for Basket Case on MTV over at someone's house, and was just blown away by his video. I had NO idea WHO Green Day were, and hadn't heard any of the hype about them being a trend or whatever. I got their CD Dookie not because it was popular or what not, cuz I didn't even know that, but because I loved the sound of the music. This was the first punk CD I owned. Shortly after that, (oh yeah, I think this was in 95 or 96) my friend Ben started getting into punk, and started introducing me to the views and the beliefs of punks, the punk culture, and other punk bands.
Here's a picture of Ben and I:

Now I'm a die hard punk and ska fan! If you wanna see what all bands I like, go to my link page.

Also, You may be asking 'What the hell kind of name is The Freak Show?!?' Well, from what I hear, a Freaky Freak is what preps at West High School in Waterloo, IA call the punks and goths. I LIKE IT! So I took it. Then I named my page after it. A Freak Show is back in the olden days when people had no lives and therefore, for entertainment, people went to these shows with deformed people-like the Elephant Man and Joey, the 2-Faced Kid--Freaks. So I thought 'A ha! What a great name for a web page!'. Oh well, I like it...and NO, this is NOT about Silverchair!! I had this name for my page before Silverchair / Freak Show ever came out. So if you're looking at my page going "Where's all the Silverchair info??", then GET THE FUCK OUT! You're not wanted here.

I spend a lot of my time doing my hobbies:
I love horror movies. I'm a huge ass Freddy Krueger fan! I swear, I MUST have the largest Freddy Krueger collection out there!!

But, I also like Hellraiser, Brainscan, Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, any Wes Craven and Stephen King movies, and really anything that will scare the shit out of ya!

I also like comic Books. My favorites are the Superman comics. I've been a fan since the Death Of Superman series started, but kinda strayed away for lack of time and money. Any no, I like his older costume better. The new one just isn't the same.

I used to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years, but since that ended a couple days after Xmas, my life has been empty, and I don't really go out much. Just sit here in front of the ol computer!! :) So check out my webcam to see if I'm sitting in front of it rright now!

I also used to race BMX bikes. I've raced on and off for about 8-10 years. I had a Kuwahara Laser Lite since I started (very expensive and rare) until the summer of '97 when someone decided they needed it more than I did and 'barrowed' it for good from my shed. Here's a picture of me with it:

So now I have a SE PK-Killer. Too bad I don't have much time to get out and ride it! Anyways, I love the sport, and what's real cool is it's becoming a punk thing (see the Bouncing Souls) like skate boarding is, and I've been doing it before punks caught on.

And another big part of my life is music. Punk has shaped me to who I am today. I love playing my guitar

(taken in 96. I know this pic SUCKS!

I also enjoy playing my brother's bass guitar, and I recently bought a drum set, so I'm trying to learn that too. I played with several different people trying to start a band, but let's face it, the people around here suck and aren't punks, so they don't like the 'punk' sound. If you're in the area and want to play, email me! We could hook up!

I also make money online, just for being on. It's way hella easy too! I don't even have to do anything! If you wanna too, go here:

Oh yeah, I like to bitch about a lot of things. Click here to see what I'm bitchin about now!

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll change this later.

If you have any questions, click here.
Also, if you want to see some pictures of me, click here. Remember, it's a lot of pictures, so it might take a little time to load.

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