Ed Bickert: Three Friezes In Phrase

By Sandy Freeze (a.k.a.: strumdabiz)

To Ed Bickert, 3 Files
____________Strumdabiz_____G Major
~E_A_D_G_B_E~       ______E|r3+++|E
{- - 0 0 0 -}Nut   / _____B|a0+++|B
[- -       -]     / / ____G|m0+++|G
[- 2        ]    / / / ___D|Z0+++|D
[3         4]   / / / / __A|Z2+++|A
[ grips     ]  / / / / / _E|Z3+++|E
#\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /##########
g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /-Tablature-
r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;;
i---\ \ \________/ / /--Tablature--
p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::::

To three files on Ed Bickert, musician, Jazz Guitarist.
Part I: Ed Bickert Guitar Workshop
Part II:Ed Bickert Pluck If Not Adventure
Part III: Tune,Tone, And Tempo

Ed Bickert
Photograph Courtesy of Fernando Gelbard

Technically? (by Sandy Freeze)
A] Classical guitarists have designated p i m a for attack. 
______________|thumb, index, medio, annul |________________-
 fingers of the right hand for various combinations.
B] A guitarist who flatpicks, holds the pick K\ with (p) and (i) finger.
 That leaves 1, 2...Wait!. 3 fingers! (look careful)
C]I've added K\/k to indicate alternate \/picking strokes here. 
Then naming the little (4th) finger , pinky=red= r)... 
                                 /roll ,right...Ralph?\
D] Hence: K\/k__r)a)m_ Pick and roll : The word hybrid is often 
linked to this method , which various styles and stylists in 
music employ to equally unique ends.

Part I: Ed Bickert Guitar Workshop
Part II: Ed Bickert, Pluck, If Not Adventure
Part III: Tune,Tone, And Tempo

Written By Sandy Freeze (a.k.a.: strumdabiz)


2 Other Canadian sites
Ed Bickert Profile
A Curmudgeon's Tribute to Ed Bickert
 Recommended  Bibliography:
  • "The Toronto Land Band" by Jack Batten,
    Weekend Magazine,(Globe and Mail) ,March 6, 1976
    (on Rob McConnell, Ed Bickert ,& Paul Desmond, in Toronto)
  • "Playing It Safe" by Jack Batten,
    The Canadian (supplement) Dec. 31, 1977
Jack Litchfield The Canadian Jazz Discography 1916-1980
Jack Litchfield
University Of Toronto Press MARK MILLER
  • "Ed Bickert" :
    Toronto's Premiere Session Guitarist And Jazz Performer,
    by Mark Miller: Guitar Player Sept., 1978
  • "Bickert takes record deal in stride", by Mark Miller,
    The Globe And Mail,February 18,1984
  • "Ed Bickert: In a Mellow Tone" by Mark Miller,
    Down Beat, November 1984
  • "Boogie, Pete, and the Senator" by Mark Miller
    Nightwing editions
  • "ED Bickert" Interviewed By Ted O'Reilly,
    CODA Magazine,#184, June 1982
____________Strumdabiz_____G Major
~E_A_D_G_B_E~       ______E|Z3+++|E
{- - 0 0 0 -}Nut   / _____B|Z0+++|B
[- -       -]     / / ____G|Z0+++|G
[- 2        ]    / / / ___D|Z0+++|D
[3         4]   / / / / __A|Z2+++|A
[ grips     ]  / / / / / _E|Z3+++|E
#\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /##########
g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /-Tablature-
r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;;
i---\ \ \________/ / /--Tablature--
p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::::

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