Nurses in Poverty Areas: Street Nursing

Case Study
Sylvia Dawson is a 17 year old female who has been living in the streets for 2 years. When she was 6 years old, her mother left home to smoke a cigarette never to return. Her father has been emotionally and verbally abusive to her in the following years. At the age of 13, Sylvia watched as her father tried to kill himself by grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbing his chest six times. The ambulance was called and he survived the injuries. After 1 month of hospitalization, Sylvia's dad was discharged home, only for her to find that he had hung himself in their basement. Sylvia had been through the foster system and eventually ran away due to being unable to cope with her situation. Sylvia suffers from PTSD and has a substance abuse problem.
Mosa Harold is a 65 year old male who has been struggling with alcohol and drug addictions. After losing his job, his family left him 15 years ago as he could not find permanent work. His wife divorced him, and his children are no longer a part of his life. Mosa ended up being evicted from his home, unable to make rent payments. He has been sleeping on the streets or friend's sofas when he had the chance. He has been self-medicating to cope with the depression he felt from not being able to provide for his family.
Tracy Evans is a 49 year old female who wanders the streets of Toronto. She left her home in Waterloo, stating that it is dirty and full of bugs and she couldn't live there anymore. She claims she has not been eating for 5 days, believing someone is poisoning her food. Tracy has been self-medicating with alcohol as it helps with "making the voices disappear". She has no family, and has been living on the streets for the past 3 months.