Member Posts

This Page is a collection posts received from our membership Please feel free
to read them and make comments and or criticisms as you wish. We will be
most grateful if you will take the time to send me a short (or not so short) note
with your comments and or criticisms so that We might understand how you
feel or what you thing about what you have read. Your opinion of our posts will
have a great effect on what we do in the future writing skills and abilitiesare not
important only the content . So go ahead read and reply, We welcome criticism,
constructive as well as demeaning, but remember we like most of the rest of you
do prefer kudos.

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John Butler-join | John Butler-mayor of Salt Lake City | Marie Treloar-judges like Judge Young
Marie Treloar-what can we do | George Cox-I'm going to sign-up | Leo Ames-I wish to sign up
Marie Treloar-Knowledge is Power | Marie Treloar-Stop the NAU | John Butler-bill would target businesses
John Butler-city and state | John Butler-H.CON.RES.487 | John Butler-Illegal Immigration is a Crime
Marie Treloar-I will send more links | Ken Owens-I look forward | George Cox-Can we work together
John Butler-stophim911 | John Butler-documented workers | John Butler-Calexico school system
Marie Treloar-glad to help | John Butler-Illegal Aliens | Marie Treloar-M13 gangs
John Butler-state's employer sanctions | John Butler-One more document | Marie Treloar-erasing America
John Butler-Indiana Should Lead Not Follow | John Butler-Invasion is a strategy of war

John Butler-join

Yes I want to join you. We need to stop them before they sell us out. Do you
know Glen Spencer of American boarder patrolGreat patriot needs our support
as well to keep his watch of the boarder running. He flies a cesana equipped
with a video camera that broadcast intrusions in real time, he also monitors the
fence construction and other activities along the boarder. I would like to see us
get him on our sight as well, If you approve I will call him as soon as I hear form
you. Can we post the speech from Salt Lake City mayor?
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John Butler-mayor of Salt Lake City

I just read the following speech given by the mayor of Salt Lake City:

Start of speech
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:26 PM
Subject: Mayor of Salt Lake City speaks out...

Address by Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson
Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah
October 27, 2007

Salt Lake City, Utah --

Today, as we come together once again in this great city, we raise our voices in
unison to say to President Bush, to Vice President Cheney, to other members
of the Bush Administration (past and present), to a majority of Congress,
including Utah's entire congressional delegation, and to much of the mainstream
media: "You have failed us miserably and we won't take it any more."

"While we had every reason to expect far more of you, you have been pompous,
greedy, cruel, and incompetent as you have led this great nation to a moral,
military, and national security abyss."

"You have breached trust with the American people in the most egregious ways.
You have utterly failed in the performance of your jobs. You have undermined our
Constitution, permitted the violation of the most fundamental treaty obligations,
and betrayed the rule of law."

"You have engaged in, or permitted, heinous human rights abuses of the sort
never before countenanced in our nation's history as a matter of official policy.
You have sent American men and women to kill and be killed on the basis of lies,
on the basis of shifting justifications, without competent leadership, and without
even a coherent plan for this monumental blunder."

"We are here to tell you: We won't take it any more!"

"You have acted in direct contravention of values that we, as Americans who
love our country, hold dear. You have deceived us in the most cynical,
outrageous ways. You have undermined, or allowed the undermining of, our
constitutional system of checks and balances among the three presumed co-
equal branches of government. You have helped lead our nation to the brink of
fascism, of a dictatorship contemptuous of our nation's treaty obligations,
federal statutory law, our Constitution, and the rule of law."

"Because of you, and because of your jingoistic false 'patriotism,' our world is far
more dangerous, our nation is far more despised, and the threat of terrorism is
far greater than ever before.

It has been absolutely astounding how you have committed the most horrendous
acts, causing such needless tragedy in the lives of millions of people, yet you
wear your so-called religion on your sleeves, asserting your God-is-on-my-side
nonsense - when what you have done flies in the face of any religious or
humanitarian tradition. Your hypocrisy is mind-boggling - and disgraceful. What
part of "Thou shalt not kill" do you not understand? What part of the"Golden rule"
do you not understand? What part of "be honest," "be responsible," and "be
accountable" don't you understand? What part of "Blessed are the
peacekeepers" do you not understand?

Because of you, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, many
thousands of people have suffered horrendous lifetime injuries, and millions
have been run off from their homes. For the sake of our nation, for the sake of
our children, and for the sake of our brothers and sisters around the world, we
are morally compelled to say, as loudly as we can, 'We won't take it any more!' "

"As United States agents kidnap, disappear, and torture human beings around
the world, you justify, you deceive, and you cover up. We find what you have
done to men, women and children, and to the good name and reputation of the
United States, so appalling, so unconscionable, and so outrageous as to compel
us to call upon you to step aside and allow other men and women who are
competent, true to our nation's values, and with high moral principles to stand in
your places - for the good of our nation, for the good of our children, and for the
good of our world."

In the case of the President and Vice President, this means impeachment and
removal from office, without any further delay from a complacent, complicit
Congress, the Democratic majority of which cares more about political gain in
2008 than it does about the vindication of our Constitution, the rule of law, and
democratic accountability.

It means the election of people as President and Vice President who, unlike
most of the presidential candidates from both major parties, have not aided and
abetted in the perpetration of the illegal, tragic, devastating invasion and
occupation of Iraq. And it means the election of people as President and Vice
President who will commit to return our nation to the moral and strategic
imperative of refraining from torturing human beings.

In the case of the majority of Congress, it means electing people who are
diligent enough to learn the facts, including reading available National Intelligence
Estimates, before voting to go to war. It means electing to Congress men and
women who will jealously guard Congress's sole prerogative to declare war. It
means electing to Congress men and women who will not submit like vapid lap
dogs to presidential requests for blank checks to engage in so-called preemptive
wars, for legislation permitting warrantless wiretapping of communications
involving US citizens, and for dangerous, irresponsible, saber-rattling legislation
like the recent Kyl-Lieberman amendment.

We must avoid the trap of focusing the blame solely upon President Bush and
Vice-President Cheney. This is not just about a few people who have wronged
our country - and the world. They were enabled by members of both parties in
Congress, they were enabled by the pathetic mainstream news media, and,
ultimately, they have been enabled by the American people - 40% of whom are
so ill-informed they still think Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks - a people who
know and care more about baseball statistics and which drunken starlets are
wearing underwear than they know and care about the atrocities being
committed every single day in our name by a government for which we need to
take responsibility.

As loyal Americans, without regard to political partisanship -- as veterans, as
teachers, as religious leaders, as working men and women, as students, as
professionals, as businesspeople, as public servants, as retirees, as people of
all ages, races, ethnic origins, sexual orientations, and faiths -- we are here to
say to the Bush administration, to the majority of Congress, and to the
mainstream media: "You have violated your solemn responsibilities. You have
undermined our democracy, spat upon our Constitution, and engaged in
outrageous, despicable acts. You have brought our nation to a point of immorality,
inhumanity, and illegality of immense, tragic, unprecedented proportions."

"But we will live up to our responsibilities as citizens, as brothers and sisters of
those who have suffered as a result of the imperial bullying of the United States
government, and as moral actors who must take a stand: And we will, and must,
mean it when we say 'We won't take it any more.'"

If we want principled, courageous elected officials, we need to be principled,
courageous, and tenacious ourselves. History has demonstrated that our
elected officials are not the leaders - the leadership has to come from us. If we
don't insist, if we don't persist, then we are not living up to our responsibilities as
citizens in a democracy - and our responsibilities as moral human beings. If we
remain silent, we signal to Congress and the Bush administration - and to
candidates running for office - and to the world - that we support the status quo.

Silence is complicity. Only by standing up for what's right and never letting down
can we say we are doing our part.

Our government, on the basis of a campaign we now know was entirely
fraudulent, attacked and militarily occupied a nation that posed no danger to the
United States. Our government, acting in our name, has caused immense,
unjustified death and destruction.

It all started five years ago, yet where have we, the American people, been? At
this point, we are responsible. We get together once in a while at
demonstrations and complain about Bush and Cheney, about Congress, and
about the pathetic news media. We point fingers and yell a lot. Then most
people politely go away until another demonstration a few months later.

How many people can honestly say they have spent as much time learning
about and opposing the outrages of the Bush administration as they have spent
watching sports or mindless television programs during the past five years?
Escapist, time-sapping sports and insipid entertainment have indeed become
the opiate of the masses.

Why is this country so sound asleep? Why do we abide what is happening to
our nation, to our Constitution, to the cause of peace and international law and
order? Why are we not doing all in our power to put an end to this madness?

We should be in the streets regularly and students should be raising hell on our
campuses. We should be making it clear in every way possible that apologies or
convoluted, disingenuous explanations just don't cut it when presidential
candidates and so many others voted to authorize George Bush and his neo-
con buddies to send American men and women to attack and occupy Iraq.

Let's awaken, and wake up the country by committing here and now to do all
each of us can to take our nation back. Let them hear us across the country, as
we ask others to join us: "We won't take it any more!"

I implore you: Draw a line. Figure out exactly where your own moral breaking
point is. How much will you put up with before you say "No more" and mean it?

I have drawn my line as a matter of simple personal morality: I cannot, and will
not, support any candidate who has voted to fund the atrocities in Iraq. I cannot,
and will not, support any candidate who will not commit to remove all US troops,
as soon as possible, from Iraq. I cannot, and will not, support any candidate who
has supported legislation that takes us one step closer to attacking Iran. Icannot,
and will not, support any candidate who has not fought to stop the kidnapping,
disappearances, and torture being carried on in our name.

If we expect our nation's elected officials to take us seriously, let us send a
powerful message they cannot misunderstand. Let them knowwe really do have
our moral breaking point. Let them know we have drawn a bright line. Let them
know they cannot take our support for granted - that, regardless of their party
and regardless of other political considerations, they will not have our support if
they cannot provide, and have not provided, principled leadership.

The people of this nation may have been far too quiet for five years, but let us
pledge that we won't let it go on one more day - that we will do all we can to put
an end to the illegalities, the moral degradation, and the disintegration of our
nation's reputation in the world.

Let us be unified in drawing the line - in declaring that we do have a moral
breaking point. Let us insist, together, in supporting our troops and in gratitude
for the freedoms for which our veterans gave so much, that we bring our troops
home from Iraq, that we return our government to a constitutional democracy,
and that we commit to honoring the fundamental principles of human rights.

In defense of our country, in defense of our Constitution, in defense of our
shared values as Americans - and as moral human beings - we declare today
that we will fight in every way possible to stop the insanity, stop the continued
military occupation of Iraq, and stop the moral depravity reflected by the
kidnapping, disappearing, and torture of people around the world.

End of Speech
The mayor calls for grass roots action. Here is my suggestion to start some
action. Above I read some posts calling for voting out all existing members of
congress. I say take it further. We need a national referendum to:

1) Limit the number of terms that any elected official can stay in office. I would
suggest that 2 terms is enough and maybe too many.

2) Several years ago congress voted themselves a nice benefit. If they serve 91
days in office, even if they are finishing out the term of someone who dies or
becomes unable to fill the term, they receive lifetime retirement and medical
benefits. In other words, for their service they become a burden on the system,
even when they are capable of supporting themselves after they leave office.
This is not a deminished retirement but their full salary for life. This needs to end.
Eliminating this lifetime gift should be attached to the move to limit the number of
terms they can serve.

3) Call for the immediate impeachment of the president and vice president,
NOW! And as the mayor called for, recall those members of congress who
voted in support of the war in Iraq.

Can we get a nation wide movement to take action? What say ye?

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Marie Treloar-judges like Judge Young

Remember the guy who got on a plane with a bomb built into his shoe and tried
to light it?

Did you know his trial is over?
Did you know he was sentenced?
Did you see/hear any of the judge's comments on TV or Radio?
Didn't think so. Everyone should hear what the judge had to say.

Ruling by Judge William Young, US District Court.
Prior to sentencing, the Judge asked the defendant if he had anything to say. His
response: After admitting his guilt to the court for the record, Reid also admitted
his "allegiance to Osama bin Laden, to Islam, and to the religion of Allah,"
defiantly stating, "I think I will not apologize for my actions," and told the court "I
am at war with your country."

Judge Young then delivered the statement quoted below:
January 30, 2003, United States vs. Reid. Judge Young:

"Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you.
On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of
the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences
you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run
consecutively. (That's 80 years.)

On count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years again, to be
served consecutively to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you
for each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000 that's an aggregate fine of $2
million. The Court accepts the government's recommendation with respect to
restitution and orders restitution in the amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and
$5,784 to American Airlines. The Court imposes upon you an $800 special
assessment. The Court imposes upon you five years supervised release simply
because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I
need go no further. This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is
a fair and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence.

Now, let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of your terrorist
co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire
before. There is too much war talk here and I say that to every-one with the
utmost respect. Here in this court, we deal with individuals as individuals and
care for individuals as individuals. As human beings, we reach out for justice.

You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in
any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier,
gives you far too much stature. Whether the officers of government do it or your
attorney does it, or if you think you are a soldier. You are not----- you are a
terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists.
We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and
bring them to justice.

So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not
that big. You're no warrior. I've known warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of
criminal that is guilty of multiple attempted murders. In a very real sense, State
Trooper Santiago had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into
custody and you wondered where the press and the TV crews were, and he said:
"You're no big deal." "You are no big deal."

What your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have
grappled with and what I have as honestly as I know how tried to grapple with, is
why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this
courtroom today?

I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your
heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are
guilty and admit you are guilty of doing? And, I have an answer for you. It may not
satisfy you, but as I search this entire record, it comes as close to understanding
as I know.

It seems to me you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You hate our
freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to
come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose.
Here, in this society, the very wind carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from
sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you
are here in this beautiful courtroom. So that everyone can see, truly see, that
justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely. It is for freedom's sake
that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf, have filed appeals,
will go on in their representation of you before other judges.

We Americans are all about freedom. Because we all know that the way we treat
you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is
yet true that we will bear any burden; pay any price, to preserve our freedoms.
Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long
remember what you or I say here. The day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten,
but this, however, will long endure.

Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America , the American people
will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice
is in fact being done. The very President of the United States through his officers
will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific
matters can be judged and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that
evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.

See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America . That flag
will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag stands for freedom. And it
always will.

Mr. Custody Officer. Stand him down and take him into custody.

So, how much of this Judge's comments did we hear on our TV sets? We need
more judges like Judge Young, but that's another subject. Pass this around.
Everyone should and needs to hear what this fine judge had to say. Powerful
words that strike home. God bless America Send comments to Stand up for America

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Marie Treloar-what can we do

Hi my name is Marie Treloar, I am from Lake Havasu City AZ. I have been
following the thread Fence funding hoax exposed, but bill passes.
I am an ardent "against illegals" for a couple of years now. It has been a slow
movement and we have had to bang our heads against the wall, but is is moving
faster and faster. I am very happy you have started a site to promote issues that
most Americans are so frustrated over, and feel "what can we do"?
I just want to say I will do all I can to promote this cause, I am poor, a senior, no
transportation, not a leader, but I am sure I can be of assistance in some way.
You may want to keep your eyes open for this, it may stop us from congregating
and speaking out if it passes.
Action Alert: Contact your Senators to Oppose S.1959 Which Make YOU a
Potential Terrorist; House HR 1955, Senate S1959
But I am sure you know about these.
Please keep me in the loop, and advised, if I can help, I would be very happy.
Thank you Marie
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George Cox-I'm going to sign-up

I am not "getting off this immigration thing," and I think to be angry with the way
the government is handling it is justifiable. Also, it is not a state problem, as
Section 4 of Article IV of the U.S. Constitution says that the federal government
shall protect each state from invasion, and if illegal immigration does not
constitute invasion I don't know what does. My grandfather died during World
War II knowing that the U.S. will live long after him. My other grandfather died in
1977 secure in the knowledge that there would always be a United States. My
father died soon after Gulf War I, with a pride in knowing that we were still a
strong nation and could win a war if we set our minds to it. But now, here I am at
age 65 wondering how much longer the United States will last. Twenty years?
Fifteen? You are wrong, illegal immigration is the most important issue today. If
it is not stopped, the population of the U.S. will be 700 million by 2050, and our
country will be a cesspool like China and India. I shouldn't have to be worrying
about things like that at my age, but if I don't, who will? In Luke 22:36, Jesus told
his disciples to sell their garments and buy swords. He told them that, so they
would fight. However, the disciples didn't fight, they deserted Him. This country is
based on Christian principles, and I don't want our federal government to turn it
over to third world paganism or to godless globalism. I'm not going to desert
Jesus, and I'm not going to desert my country. I am not sure what I can do, but I
am going to try to do something. Greg, you think that "evil" is using us to keep us
off track; however, maybe "evil" is using people like you to keep us off track. If
you were living during the late 1700s would you have told Patrick Henry,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington to cool there
anger and let Jesus handle it. Man, if there were ever some angry dudes, it was
those guys, and I believe with all may heart that they were doing God's work. And,
how do you know that Jesus Christ is not guiding patriots who want to stop the
invasion of our country. Maybe Jesus wants to keep America strong so that we
can continue to keep a protective umbrella over Israel. Who made you the
spokesman for Jesus anyway? The most irresponsible phrase ever uttered was
by Reinhold Niebuhr, protestant preacher/philosopher, who said, "God, grant me
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I
can; and wisdom to know the difference." More people have used this quote for
inaction than there are stars in the heaven and grains of sand on the beaches.
Because of this quote most people don't even try to change things. And, oh yeah,
you are going to look foolish when the federal government doesn't build the fence
and doesn't change the "birth rule," and the Mexicans take over the Southwest
and California! I know not what course others may take, but as for me I'm going
to sign-up on Roger Maxham's website. Send comments to Stand up for America

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Leo Ames-I wish to sign up

Dear Rodger I have been reading your posts and been impressed with how you view our
country and the, danger she is in because of our crooked, immoral congress,
executive and judicial branches of goverment, I also am impressed and want to
thank you for your service to our country. I wish to sign up with your group....
there is strength in numbers and two people working together can accomplish
much more than one person trying to do the work of two people, Thank you
again, Rodger Merry Christmas ......... God Bless you,your family and our great
country Sincerely, yours leo ames......... in F. S. my name is lee8472 Send comments to Stand up for America

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Marie Treloar-Knowledge is Power

forgot to mention I have been following the NAU issue too. Of all the sites, I find
this site has the most clarity of all. She has more info than I can handle, and she
talked about "Marshal Law" coming, and it looks like they are bringing it on. This
is a lot of reading, but very informative, Knowledge is Power! I like Ron Paul Too.
Have you read this one? It is very interesting info.
Well good luck to us, Merry Christmas.
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Marie Treloar-Stop the NAU

Here is the link to Stop the NAU. You can just imagine the work put into that
site, and she has added from the 1st I saw it, I think 2 years ago, she has also
been on some radio shows, I think she is in AZ?. She is loaded with references
Are you familiar with MAIA ? Mothers Against Illegal Aliens?
Mothers Against Illegal Aliens
P.S. Is it possible to turn the fonts up a notch, for easier viewing, for those of us with "older eyes"? Talk to you later, Marie Send comments to Stand up for America

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John Butler-bill would target businesses

Immigration bill would target businesses
Published: Monday, December 24, 2007 8:49 AM CST
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon proposed legislation
targeting businesses that hire illegal immigrants in response to a case against a
lake area developer who evaded payroll taxes on undocumented workers he had

Just days after condominium developer Michael G. Schlup was ordered to pay
almost $1 million in fines, penalties and back taxes, Nixon announced a plan to
work with the legislature to impose sanctions on Missouri employers who use
undocumented workers.

The case against Schlup was prosecuted by Nixon’s office and the Camden
County prosecutor.

Schlup pleaded guilty to 14 counts involving failure to withhold or remit payroll
taxes. He had as many as 30 illegal immigrants working on projects.

Schlup’s businesses, Schlup Investments Inc. and Plaza Gardens on the Lake
Inc. were involved in the construction of the Plaza Gardens on the Lake
condominium complex near Sunrise Beach.

Nixon’s proposal is modeled after an Arizona law scheduled to take effect in 2008.
It follows one of the strongest enforcement actions ever taken by the state and
calls for the suspension of businesses for first offenses and permanently barring
second-time offenders from doing business in Missouri.

On Wednesday, the Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt’s office issued a press release
supporting the Arizona law, but opposing giving taxpayer benefits, subsidies and
welfare to illegals.

“Attorney General Jay Nixon has copied these provisions from an Arizona state
law,” spokesman Rich Chrismer stated in a press release issued last week.
“Gov. Blunt strongly supports those provisions and would like to enact them
along with other illegal immigration proposals he has already announced
including his proposal to specifically ban the issuance of driver licenses to illegal
immigrants and create penalties for those who assist them.”

According to information provided by the Nixon’s office, the sanctions would
provide a powerful incentive for employers to verify that their employees are in
Missouri legally, he said.

To help catch violators, Nixon is proposing that an incentive system be put in
place for citizens who provide information to authorities that result in sanctions.
It would also provide an incentive from a portion of the proceeds of related law
enforcement actions.

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John Butler-city and state

First off Roger I am from Angola, Indiana for the record. I think we should be
asking everyone what city and state they are from so when we get something
going we at least know where they are located. Can we get a copy of the
Oklahoma bill that they passed and a copy of the Arizona bill? they would give
us an idea of what a platform we could build.

also found this on web site.
By John Rodgers, [email protected]

An employer’s business license can be revoked if he’s found knowingly
employing an illegal immigrant under a new state law becoming effective Jan. 1.

The yet-to-be-implemented law, passed during the last session of the state
Legislature, was one of the General Assembly’s targeted efforts at combating
illegal immigration while dealing with the limitations federal law presents on the
hot-button topic.

When the bill was initially introduced, the revocation of a business license was
not the objective. The goal of the legislation was to fine employers found
knowingly employing illegal immigrants $10,000.

A state attorney general’s opinion, however, said that federal law pre-empted the
state from imposing criminal sanctions on the suspected employers. Any law
passed by the state that did that would be invalid, the opinion stated.

Therefore, legislators settled for the license revocation tact, which is permissible
under federal law according to the attorney general’s opinion.

“We couldn’t do anything about that,” said Sen. Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro), the
bill’s sponsor. “So we went after the civil side.”

The law will empower the state’s Department of Labor and Workforce
Development to take away an employer’s business license if the employer is
found knowingly employing an illegal immigrant.

As many times is the case with illegal immigration issues, there are some
hurdles to be cleared in the new law before the labor department could revoke a
business license.

First, a complaint must be filed with the labor department. That complaint,
however, must come from a state or local government agency or entity,
according to the law.

Then, the Department of Labor’s commissioner must conduct an investigation. If
probable cause is found that the suspected employer has hired illegal
immigrants, a hearing is held.

Finally, if the Department of Labor finds the employer has employed an illegal
immigrant, the commissioner can direct the employer’s business license to be
revoked, suspended or denied.

“Our labor standards division is enforcing the new law and the complaints have
to come from a local or public entity,” said Milissa Reierson, spokeswoman for
the Department of Labor. “And once we get a valid complaint, we will investigate
the complaint.”

For the first violation, the license will remain suspended until the employer can
show “to the satisfaction” of the labor commissioner that he or she is no longer
employing illegal aliens.

Second and third violations cause the employer’s license to be suspended for
one year.

The soon-to-be-effective law does provide employers some cover.

If the illegal immigrant has presented proof that he or she is in the country legally
and that documentation turns out to be fake — the employer can’t be punished.

Ketron said he would be inquiring with the Department of Labor early in the
legislative session how prepared they were to enforce the law.

“Hopefully employers will understand they can’t afford to lose their business
license for a year,” Ketron said. “I couldn’t stand to lose mine for a week.”

The measure’s House sponsor, Rep. John Hood (D-Murfreesboro), couldn’t be
reached for comment. Glen is a great guy you should meet him at least on line
he mite be of a great deal of help. Send comments to Stand up for America

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John Butler-H.CON.RES.487

Title: Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not
engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and
Canada. Sponsor: Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [VA-5] (introduced 9/28/2006)
Cosponsors (6) Latest Major Action: 9/28/2006 Referred to House committee.
Status: Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in
addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be
subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such
provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
SUMMARY AS OF: 9/28/2006--Introduced.

Urges: (1) the United States not to engage in the construction of a North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System; (2) the United
States not to enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada; and (3)
the President to oppose these and other proposals that threaten U.S. sovereignty.
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John Butler-Illegal Immigration is a Crime

Each year the Border Patrol is making more than a million apprehensions of
people who flagrantly violate our nation's laws by unlawfully crossing U.S.
borders to work and to receive publicly-funded services, often with the aid of
fraudulent documents. Such entry is a misdemeanor and, if repeated, becomes
punishable as a felony. Over eight million illegal immigrants live in the United
States -- some estimate even more.

In addition to sneaking into the country in violation of the immigration law that
requires that aliens be documented for legal entry (referred to as "entry without
inspection -- EWI"), others enter with legal documentation and then violate the
terms on which they have been admitted by taking jobs that are not authorized or
overstaying the authorized period of stay in the country. The INS estimated in
1996 that about 60 percent of the then estimated five million illegal immigrants
were EWI and 40 percent were overstayers. Both types of illegal immigrants are
deportable under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which
says: "Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any
other law of the United States is deportable."

Apologists for illegal immigration like to paint it as a victimless crime. But in fact,
illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens and legal
immigrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable sectors of our population--
the poor, minorities, and children.

Illegal immigration causes an enormous drain on public funds. The seminal
study of the costs of immigration by the National Academy of Sciences found
that the taxes paid by immigrants do not cover the cost of services received by
them. We cannot provide high quality education, health care, and retirement
security for our own people if we continue to bring in endless numbers of poor,
unskilled immigrants.

Additionally, job competition by waves of illegal immigrants willing to work at
substandard wages and working conditions depresses the wages of American
workers, hitting hardest at minority workers and those without high school
degrees. Ý

Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth
overwhelming communities across America--crowding school classrooms,
consuming already limited affordable housing, and straining precious natural
resources like water, energy, and forestland.

The Border Patrol plays a crucial role in combating illegal immigration, but illegal
immigration cannot be controlled solely at the border. About half of the illegal
alien population is comprised of visa overstayers--people who entered the
country legally, but became illegal aliens by their failure to leave the U.S. upon
expiration of their visa. Once entry occurs, there is little chance of detection and
virtually no chance of deportation, except for convicted criminals.

We need a comprehensive program to end illegal immigration; that means
ensuring that people who enter illegally or overstay their lawful status will not be
able to obtain employment, public assistance benefits, public education, public
housing, or any other taxpayer-funded benefit without detection.

The three major components of immigration control--deterrence, apprehension
and removal--need to be strengthened by Congress and the Executive Branch if
effective control is ever to be reestablished. Controlling illegal immigration
requires a balanced approach with a full range of enforcement improvements
that go far beyond the border. These include many procedural reforms, beefed
up investigation capacity, asylum reform, documents improvements, major
improvements in INS detention and deportation procedures, limitations on
judicial review, improved intelligence capacity, greatly improved state/federal
cooperation, and added resources. See How to Combat Illegal Immigration.

WHAT ABOUT THE COSTS? Effective control and management of the laws against illegal immigration require
adequate resources. But those costs will be more than offset by savings to
states, counties, communities, and school districts across the nation.

FAIR, 3/03

Also see:
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
and.... 1996 Brief: 'Illegal Immigration is a Crime'

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

"Any person who . . encourages or induces an alien to . . reside . . knowing or in
reckless disregard of the fact that such . . residence is . . in violation of law, shall
be punished as provided . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation
occurs . . fined under title 18 . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act,
INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local
government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of
vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or
contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization
status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration
laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In
addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that
commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to
private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.

Recruitment and Employment of Illegal Aliens
It is unlawful to hire an alien, to recruit an alien, or to refer an alien for a fee,
knowing the alien is unauthorized to work in the United States. It is equally
unlawful to continue to employ an alien knowing that the alien is unauthorized to
work. Employers may give preference in recruitment and hiring to a U.S. citizen
over an alien with work authorization only where the U.S. citizen is equally or
better qualified. It is unlawful to hire an individual for employment in the United
States without complying with employment eligibility verification requirements.
Requirements include examination of identity documents and completion of
Form I-9 for every employee hired. Employers must retain all I-9s, and, with
three days' advance notice, the forms must be made available for inspection.
Employment includes any service or labor performed for any type of
remuneration within the United States, with the exception of sporadic domestic
service by an individual in a private home. Day laborers or other casual workers
engaged in any compensated activity (with the above exception) are employees
for purposes of immigration law. An employer includes an agent or anyone
acting directly or indirectly in the interest of the employer. For purposes of
verification of authorization to work, employer also means an independent
contractor, or a contractor other than the person using the alien labor. The use
of temporary or short-term contracts cannot be used to circumvent the
employment authorization verification requirements. If employment is to be for
less than the usual three days allowed for completing the I-9 Form requirement,
the form must be completed immediately at the time of hire.

An employer has constructive knowledge that an employee is an illegal
unauthorized worker if a reasonable person would infer it from the facts.
Constructive knowledge constituting a violation of federal law has been found
where (1) the I-9 employment eligibility form has not been properly completed,
including supporting documentation, (2) the employer has learned from other
individuals, media reports, or any source of information available to the employer
that the alien is unauthorized to work, or (3) the employer acts with reckless
disregard for the legal consequences of permitting a third party to provide or
introduce an illegal alien into the employer's work force. Knowledge cannot be
inferred solely on the basis of an individual's accent or foreign appearance.

Actual specific knowledge is not required. For example, a newspaper article
stating that ballrooms depend on an illegal alien work force of dance hostesses
was held by the courts to be a reasonable ground for suspicion that unlawful
conduct had occurred.

knowingly assist an employer to violate employment sanctions, REGARDLESS
Harboring or aiding illegal aliens is not protected by the First Amendment. It is a
felony to establish a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any
provision of federal immigration law. Violators may be fined or imprisoned for up
to five years.

Encouraging and Harboring Illegal Aliens

It is a violation of law for any person to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection
in any place, including any building or means of transportation, any alien who is
in the United States in violation of law. HARBORING MEANS ANY CONDUCT
U.S. ILLEGALLY. The sheltering need not be clandestine, and harboring covers
aliens arrested outdoors, as well as in a building. This provision includes
harboring an alien who entered the U.S. legally but has since lost his legal status.

An employer can be convicted of the felony of harboring illegal aliens who are his
employees if he takes actions in reckless disregard of their illegal status, such
as ordering them to obtain false documents, altering records, obstructing INS
inspections, or taking other actions that facilitate the alien's illegal employment.
Any person who within any 12-month period hires ten or more individuals with
actual knowledge that they are illegal aliens or unauthorized workers is guilty of
felony harboring. It is also a felony to encourage or induce an alien to come to or
reside in the U.S. knowing or recklessly disregarding the fact that the alien's
entry or residence is in violation of the law. This crime applies to any person,
rather than just employers of illegal aliens. Courts have ruled that "encouraging"
includes counseling illegal aliens to continue working in the U.S. or assisting
them to complete applications with false statements or obvious errors. The fact
that the alien is a refugee fleeing persecution is not a defense to this felony,
since U.S. law and the UN Protocol on Refugees both require that a refugee
must report to immigration authorities without delay upon entry to the U.S.

The penalty for felony harboring is a fine and imprisonment for up to five years.
The penalty for felony alien smuggling is a fine and up to ten years' imprisonment.
Where the crime causes serious bodily injury or places the life of any person in
jeopardy, the penalty is a fine and up to twenty years' imprisonment. If the
criminal smuggling or harboring results in the death of any person, the penalty
can include life imprisonment. Convictions for aiding, abetting, or conspiracy to
commit alien smuggling or harboring, carry the same penalties. Courts can
impose consecutive prison sentences for each alien smuggled or harbored. A
court may order a convicted smuggler to pay restitution if the alien smuggled
qualifies as a victim under the Victim and Witness Protection Act. Conspiracy to
commit crimes of sheltering, harboring, or employing illegal aliens is a separate
federal offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 or five years' imprisonment.


A person or entity having knowledge of a violation or potential violation of
employer sanctions provisions may submit a signed written complaint to the INS
office with jurisdiction over the business or residence of the potential violator,
whether an employer, employee, or agent. The complaint must include the
names and addresses of both the complainant and the violator, and detailed
factual allegations, including date, time, and place of the potential violation, and
the specific conduct alleged to be a violation of employer sanctions. By
regulation, the INS will only investigate third-party complaints that have a
reasonable probability of validity. Designated INS officers and employees, and all
other officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws, may make an arrest for
violation of smuggling or harboring illegal aliens.

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate
and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge
or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no
extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation
passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to
participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration
officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief
warrantless interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion
that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a
reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or
speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain
a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient.
Immigration officers and police must have a valid warrant or valid employer's
consent to enter workplaces or residences. Any vehicle used to transport or
harbor illegal aliens, or used as a substantial part of an activity that encourages
illegal aliens to come to or reside in the U.S. may be seized by an immigration
officer and is subject to forfeiture. The forfeiture power covers any conveyances
used within the U.S.

RICO -- Citizen Recourse

Private persons and entities may initiate civil suits to obtain injunctions and treble
damages against enterprises that conspire to or actually violate federal alien
smuggling, harboring, or document fraud statutes, under the Racketeer-
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO). The pattern of racketeering
activity is defined as commission of two or more of the listed crimes. A RICO
enterprise can be any individual legal entity, or a group of individuals who are not
a legal entity but are associated in fact, AND CAN INCLUDE NONPROFIT

Tax Crimes

Employers who aid or abet the preparation of false tax returns by failing to pay
income or Social Security taxes for illegal alien employees, or who knowingly
make payments using false names or Social Security numbers, are subject to
IRS criminal and civil sanctions. U.S. nationals who have suffered intentional
discrimination because of citizenship or national origin by an employer with more
than three employees may file a complaint within 180 days of the discriminatory
act with the Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment
Practices, U.S. Department of Justice. In addition to the federal statutes
summarized, state laws and local ordinances controlling fair labor practices,
workers compensation, zoning, safe housing and rental property, nuisance,
licensing, street vending, and solicitations by contractors may also apply to
activities that involve illegal aliens.

It appears to me that we need to work on a state by state basis until we can get
federal law makers to move on the issue, there have been more then 1500 bills
put forth in 50 states of them 300 plus have passed 11 have been through out by
courts this tells me that the people are being heard just not on a federal level. If
most of the states pass laws that effect hireing, housing, or harboring illgals then
they will self deport and the issue will need to be addressed on a federal level.

Lets look at each of the states that have passed and up held their bills and start
one state at a time to push the rest to do similar bills.

Roger all of this was provided by Glen Spencer of
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Marie Treloar-I will send more links

Just a note to let you know, the site is looking good. I appreciate you using some
of my links. If it is ok with you (I would assume) I will send more links re: serious
issues, or newsworthy. I can only assume all of us are not reading from the
same places, sometimes we have different sources. I am very impressed with
Daneen Anderson's site Stop the NAU. I was floored reading that, it had so much
information it scared me. Send comments to Stand up for America

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Ken Owens-I look forward

Stand Up (from [email protected])...
Anna Owens
Add Thursday, December 27, 2007 1:50:01 AM
I've wasted a lot of time on conservative sites whereby the participants do a lot
of complaining but never organizing. Most can't even agree on the core issues.
I am Ken Owens and would like very much to communicate with conservatives
who will work together to stop the political conspiracy to auction our Country off
to the highest bidding thug(s). My email address is [email protected] .
I look forward to hearing from you. Send comments to Stand up for America

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George Cox-Can we work together

I think I have my computer straightened out now, I had to call US Cable and they
did something to it. So, I have been reading your website and notice that you are
anti-Republican. I was born and raised a Democrat, but when the party went to
the extreme left in the 1970s I started voting Republican. I am pro-life, pro-gun
and anti-affirmative action. I am pro-unions and anti-free trade. However, I don't
trust the union leadership as they are trying to organize illegal aliens. Although I
am a college graduate and worked in white-collar jobs, I consider myself a blue-
collar person. I am a born-again Christian, but worked with homosexuals in the
government and they are some of the best workers. I have come to believe that
homosexuals are born that way, as I cannot believe that they would choose that
lifestyle. I think that the environment caused some defect in their genes similar
to defects that cause children to be born crippled, and that they must try to
overcome it like handicapped people do. I am against gay marriage and hate
speech legislation. Christians cannot prove there is a God, and science cannot
prove there isn't; therefore, Creationism should be taught in schools alongside
Darwinism as both are based on faith. I now believe that the Republican Party
uses its conservative Christians to put them in office and throw us bones now
and then to keep us voting for them. I think the Democratic Party does the same
thing to keep union supporters voting for Democrats. There is an elite that
currently controls this country; they are composed of two factions--big business
and academia. They are diametrically opposed to each other, but they have the
same ultimate goal which is globalization (world government). Republicans
always say they want to get us out of the United Nations, but do they ever try?
These elitists are the "new nobility." They want to return the world to feudalism,
as businessmen want cheap labor and the academics think that we, the
common people, are too stupid to know what is good for us.
We fought the Revolutionary War to free the peasants, and I don't want to
become a peasant again! I believe in states rights and the only authority the
federal government should have is to protect us from invasion, wage war,
conduct foreign diplomacy, and carry on interstate commerce. It took a bunch of
peasants to fight the Revolutionary War and overthrow the British nobility, so I
figure it is going to take another bunch of peasants to overthrow the new nobility.
Can we work together?
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John Butler-stophim911

National Expositor
Huckabee exposed as New World Order puppet
Mike Huckabee recently named Richard Haas (the President of the CFR) as his
advisor on foreign policy. CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked "Who are your principal
foreign policy advisers, Governor?" Mike Huckabee responded: "Well, I have a
number of people from whom I get policy. I'm talking to Frank Gaffney, I talk to
Richard Haas"
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John Butler-documented workers

Island Packet -- Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
County law only a start to immigration question
The new year brings a new challenge for Beaufort County officials implementing
the county's ordinance to tighten the screws on those who hire illegal immigrants.
The county's business license ordinance aims to verify that those who hold
county business licenses hire only lawfully documented workers...
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John Butler-Calexico school system

School Aims to Catch Students from Mexico
December 29th, 2007 1:13pm by Associated Press
CALEXICO, Calif. (AP) _ Mexicans are illegally attending public schools in this
California border community.With too many students and too few classrooms,
Calexico school officials took the unusual step of hiring someone to photograph
children and document the offenders.Santillan snaps pictures at the city's
downtown border crossing and shares the images with school principals, who
use them as evidence to kick out those living in Mexico.Since he started the job
two years ago, the number of students in the Calexico school system has fallen
by 5 percent, from 9,600 to 9,100, while the city's population grew about 3 percent.

The community asked us to do this, and we responded,'' said board President
Enrique Alvarado of the Calexico Unified School District. ``Once it starts to affect
you personally, when your daughter gets bumped to another school, then our
residents start complaining.''Every day along the 1,952-mile border, children
from Mexico cross into the United States and attend public schools. No one
keeps statistics on how many children make the trek.Citizenship isn't the issue
for school officials; district residency is.The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled illegal
immigrants have a right to an education, WHAT? so schools don't ask about
immigration status. But citizens and illegal immigrants alike can't falsely claim
residency in a school district.Enforcement of residency requirements varies
widely along the border. Some schools do little to verify where children live
beyond checking leases or utility bills, while others dispatch officials to homes
when suspicions are raised.The El Paso Independent School District in Texas
sends employees to homes when suspicions are raised. But spokesman Luis
Villalobos said photographing students at the border would be a monumental,
unproductive effort.That's not the thinking in Calexico, a city 120 miles east of
San Diego that has seen its population double to 38,000 since 1990. A steel
fence along the border separates Calexico from Mexicali, an industrial city of
about 750,000 that sends shoppers and farm laborers to California.

Calexico's rapid growth outstripped school resources, resulting in overcrowding
and prompting demands that Mexican interlopers be ousted. Taxpayers
complained their children were bused across town because neighborhood
schools were full, even after Calexico voters approved a $30 million construction
measure in 2004. Portable classrooms proliferated. The 62-year-old Santillan
(pronounced sahn-tee-YAHN) was hired in 2005. He is an unlikely enforcer.
Posters of Cesar Chavez and Che Guevara adorn the walls of his ranch-style
home. The Vietnam War veteran and labor activist is an outspoken advocate of
amnesty for illegal immigrants and fills water jugs in the desert for Mexicans who
trek across the border illegally.

He parks his old Toyota Echo at the border two or three mornings a week, often
in a handicapped spot that his bad knees allow him to occupy. He photographs
some of the hundreds of students who exit the inspection building and walk to
class. Some hide their faces when they see his 6-foot-5, 310-pound frame.
Sometimes he follows students to school. Many of the students know him.
Others in town are not always sure what he is up to. A new police officer once
ran his name through a database of sex offenders. A talk-radio host warned
listeners that an odd-looking man at the border may be looking for children to
kidnap. Some students taunt him. Friends have called him a hypocrite. Santillan
reminds them that he is only enforcing school residency rules, not immigration
laws. Still, he says, "`You've got to have hell of a tough skin.''

The California native also visits addresses listed on student enrollment forms,
knocking on doors as late as 9 p.m. and introducing himself in Spanish. One
crisp December morning, he went to three homes before dawn, carrying a
clipboard with several pages of students suspected of living in Mexico. A woman
who opened her door at 6:30 a.m. said her niece no longer lives with her. At
another home, a woman said her niece moved last month.

Many Calexico residents support the crackdown.

Fernando Torres, a former mayor, was upset when the district said his
grandchildren would have to transfer because there was no room in their
neighborhood school. ``It's not right'' for U.S. taxpayers to build classrooms for
Mexican residents, he said. The district eventually relented.

School board member Eduardo Rivera estimates there are still 250 to 400
Mexican residents attending Calexico's schools. "It's a continual struggle,''
Rivera said. "You have people who are determined to continue sending their kids
over here.''
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Marie Treloar-glad to help

I saw Jack T.s resignation on the blog a little while ago.
I have lots of folders with all sorts of Data, make sure you keep everything
relative. (save on floppy's if necessary, never know when you may crash) getting
your site organized is a major job, but very important to look professional. Then
you can easily drop in the Data you need, using links more than words, hopefully
to save space you may need later. I am not trying to be a busy body, I just want
to help. Before I knew anything (I had a "webtv" first) Re: PCs I started a Web
Page (just for fun, I did learn something about HTML, and Patience). That was
way back when. I also went to college here in Lake Havasu City, AZ. I can now
build my own PC, but not smart enough to be a Tech. , although I do help my
neighbors when I can.

I would be glad to help in any way. Can you tell me what the objective is?, I
understood it would be re: all aspects of Gov't change. I know Illegals is a big
one. Should I concentrate on something in particular? I have some experience in
researching things, I will start looking into Govt. In AZ.

Border and Illegals are a great issue, being on the border and of course Sheriff
Joe Arpaio is our hero. We have a realtor here (I voted for) in LHC, who ran for
the Governors Office a couple of years ago, he does keep in touch re; his
Business. ? Our Gov. Jumped to other side of the fence when we told her we
would vote her out. She certainly made a turn-about! I honestly don't know what
good she might be doing for the border right now, (we do have the Illegal/
Business issue going for us, haven't heard much on her. I mostly watch cable =
CNN, CNN Headline News, and Fox News, nothing local but I do get AZ news
on-line. I will check other local newspapers too. Please forward what ever you
have, I can go from there.
democracy in action Independent Voters

It looks like AZ Laws are on the books……Hooray!

Federal judge refuses to block new Arizona law

Interesting Statistics from;
w/blog Jimbo76078 wrote
Subject: Our Illegal Alien Mess
Why do our Washington politicians support illegal immigrants?
The Bank: Bank of America, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with
you any longer.
The Bank: Why?
Customer: You're giving credit to illegal aliens and I don't think it's right.
I'm taking my business elsewhere.
The Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't
stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number?
Customer: (gives account number)
The Bank: For security purposes and for your protection, can you please give
me the last four digits of your social security number?
Customer: No?
The Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help
you, I'll need verification of who you are.
Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm
closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants
who don't have social security numbers. You are targeting that audience and
want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a
credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be
asking me for a Social Security number, would you?
The Bank: No sir, I wouldn't.
Customer: Why not?
The Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't
ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line.
I provided "Snopes" for doubters

Now I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they
are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have
included the URL's for verification of the following facts.

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food
stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
cis food assistance programs
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. fiscalexec
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education
for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children
of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social
services by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the
illegal aliens.
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half
times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to
make a huge additional crime problem in the US.
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILL ION illegal aliens that
crossed our Southern Border. Also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from
Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and
Marijuana, crossed into the US from the Southern border.
Homeland Security Report: tinyurl
12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass
deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of
between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period. "
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their
countries of origin.rense
14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes
Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States ".
The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration

The total cost is a whooping $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. Send comments to Stand up for America

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John Butler-Illegal Aliens

Congress has passed 7 amnesties for illegal aliens, starting in 1986.
1. Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA) Amnesty, 1986: A blanket
amnesty for some 2.7 million illegal aliens
2. Section 245(i) Amnesty, 1994: A temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal
3. Section 245(i) Extension Amnesty, 1997: An extension of the rolling amnesty
created in 1994
4. Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) Amnesty,
1997: An amnesty for close to one million illegal aliens from Central America
5. Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA), 1998: An
amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti
6. Late Amnesty, 2000: An amnesty for some illegal aliens who claim they
should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty, an estimated
400,000 illegal aliens
7. LIFE Act Amnesty, 2000: A reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty,
an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens
8. Nine current bills are vying to be Amnesty No. 8
What is Amnesty?
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Marie Treloar-M13 gangs

Here is an Illegal issue Nation wide, Re: M13 gangs
Good news, Something is working....check this. CA no less.
Some nonsense proposed as "Bills".
Bill would've called for letting Rose back into baseball
By Malia Rulon, Gannett News Service
WASHINGTON - What would have happened if Congress had called on Major
League Baseball to allow Pete Rose back into the game?
As far flung as that scenario sounds, it was actually something that an Ohio
congressman and Rose's former attorney worked on for weeks, according to
interviews with those involved. This proposed bill, never introduced because of
Rose's reluctance to lobby Congress for the legislation, has never been reported.
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John Butler-state's employer sanctions

Subject: I want to sue someone but they can't know who I am
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 22:43:12 -0500
December 28, 2007 - 3:48AM
Businesses fighting state's employer sanctions statute
Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services

Companies who admit they're breaking federal immigration laws should not be
able to anonymously challenge a new Arizona statute, the state's chief litigator is
State Solicitor General Mary O'Grady wants U.S. District Court Judge Neil Wake
to require that the identity of the business owners be publicly disclosed if they
want to present evidence of the harm they believe they will incur under Arizona's
new employer sanctions law. That statute, which takes effect Tuesday, allows a
judge to suspend or revoke any state licenses or permits of any company that
knowingly hires undocumented workers.
And O'Grady said if the complainers are not legally unmasked, anything they
claim should not be considered by the court.
"Lawsuits are public events, and a strong presumption exists against anonymity,"
she wrote in her court filing. And O'Grady said this case in particular, with its
great public interest, should not have that clouded by what amounts to testimony
in secret.
But David Selden, lead attorney for the challengers, said he needs to keep the
identities of the business owners secret, if for no other reason than their safety.
He said people who are trying to have the law voided have been threatened.
O'Grady called that "unsubstantiated statements of subjective fears."
The lawsuit contends the state law is unconstitutional because only the federal
government is empowered to punish companies for employing illegal workers. Send comments to Stand up for America

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John Butler-One more document

This is a letter from Napolitano and Brother Huckabee, who has fooled
the Evangelical Christian Right with his folksy God-talk, to Michael
Chertoff, Commissar of Fatherland Security. It reaffirms Brother Huck's
commitment to implement the Nazi-style "Real ID." And, why wouldn't he?
His newly appointed advisor on foreign policy is none other than Richard
Haas, president of the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
who believes our national sovereignty should be scraped in favor of world
Make no mistake about it: Brother Huckabee has been
kissed and blessed by the traitors working to destroy this republic. Not
to mention the Huckster's coddling of illegals and his rolling out the
welcome mat for a Mexican Consulate in Little Rock to help illegals stay
in this country and steal jobs and classroom seats from Americans.
I have found more of these commissions with the State of Texas. No
doubt California has also entered into them. The state legislatures all
open for business next week in their new sessions as does Congress.
NumbersUSA, ALIPAC and others have been phenomenally successful
in leading the way in the fight against this illegals invasion. I sincerely
believe we all need to put forth a massive push in January and keep the
pressure on until we stop the NAU/SPP and NAFTA Super Highway.
This massive illegals invasion and the NAU are integral to each other. I
hope the aforementioned organizations will vigorously begin a massive
campaign to join the rest of us to defeat this final push to destroy
America as a free and independent nation.
Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA)
introduced a very important bill that did not get passed in Congress in
the last session. We must demand the same bill gets reintroduced and
demand Congress stop this now - right along with the states who haven't
committed to rejecting the NAU. It's too late to stop the Texas Trans
Corridor, although we can boycott using it and I will. But, we can and
we must stop this treason. It will require an all out assault on the state
legislatures and Congress.
There is no more time. The final pieces of the puzzle have emerged and
these arrogant elitists think we are just going to sit back and allow our
republic to be dissolved. They're badly mistaken. Please see Dr. Edwin
Vieira's important legal analysis on this very issue (click here).
I know time is an issue because we're under attack from a thousand
stabs at us every day. However, this has to be our number one priority
or everything else is going to be moot. The links below are web sites to
help you get involved and become part of America's army of freedom
fighters who are dead serious about stopping the NAU/SPP, the
National ID (Sovietization of America), NAIS and the NAFTA Super
Highway to Hell.
Yes, 911, bringing our troops home and so many more issues are vitally
critical, but if we lose our sovereignty and allow any further erosion of
our constitution and the Bill of Rights, we're going to be toast. This
illegals invasion has been beyond devastating to this country. Bush and
these other poltroons in Washington, D.C., have deliberately allowed us
to be over run at the border because of their agenda and now they're
dangerously close to firing the final shot. Stop buying foreign because
you're funding our destruction. This whole rotten scheme is all about
running American manufacturing and agriculture into oblivion and
making us a nation dependent upon foreign countries for our very
survival. Insanity! See link number 11 below for sources to more than
20,000 products and thousands of American companies who want your
Those who are wishing Happy New Year! as if 2008 is going to be just
another year of corruption, high gas prices and Democrats fighting
Republicans are in major denial. I know tonight is New Year's eve and
everyone wants to go celebrate whatever. However, if you're not going
out, I highly recommend you watch a movie. It's called ENDGAME:
Blueprint for Global Enslavement - free on the Internet. Oh, it's not as
"entertaining" as 'I am Legend' or some asinine "reality" show, but unlike
these silly Hollywood movies and TV, this is as real as it gets. Hopefully,
it will upset and anger Americans so that they finally see that we have
little time left. Particularly horrifying in ENDGAME is the fully
documented segment on eugenics. The Nazi's were deep into this race
based social experimentation designed to improve the white race
through eugenics or "creating a better world by improving the human
gene pool." What do you think Planned Parenthood is for?
Get involved this week. No snow skiing. Forget a trip to Hawaii to lay
around in the sun or play golf. We have to start our war against the
NAU/SPP and the NAFTA Superhighway now. We must all make the
commitment to refuse any National ID. Federal employees are sickened
because their job depends on accepting one. They are being forced to
give up their rights and privacy or kiss their job good bye. We must
demand that Congress pass a bill immediately to get the U.S. out of the
NAFTA treaty and stop that NAFTA Super Highway. This must be a top
priority because it is the foundation from which all the rest of this
treachery is being birthed. If we don't stop this, our children and grand
children will have no future except as a peasant class serving their world
masters and that is no exaggeration. Talk is cheap. What we need are
warriors to get the job done. We have the numbers. We have to stay
Get involved here:
1 - Stop the NAU
2 - numbersusa
3 - alipac
4 - Stop the National ID
5 - No NAIS
Learning Links:
1 -Best slide presentation on NAU/SPP
2 -3:50 sec video: Ron Paul warns on amnesty-National ID - North American Union
3 -NAFTA Trade Corridors Are Real
4 -North-of-border link finishes NAFTA superhighway grid
5 -Bill to stop Mexican truck invasion just another Band-Aid
6 -Join National truck out boycott: Tell politicians to eat garbage
7 -Reject the National ID Card
8 -North-of-border link finishes NAFTA superhighway grid
9 -National ID Cards Won't Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration
10 -Will you accept the Naitonal ID?
12 -I can still hear their screams
© 2007 - - All Rights Reserved
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Marie Treloar-erasing America

Also ironically, the man charged with protecting America is erasing America.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is one of three Bush cabinet
members leading the U.S. "working groups" coordinating the North American
merger. The others are Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice, one of many CFR members in the administration.
I have the 2006 "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America Report
to Leaders" signed by those three conspirators that details progress made on
the merger. Read my article "Chertoff, Gutierrez, Rice: Plotting Bush's North
American Union," and watch me talk about the merger and report at a rally here
and here, and during interviews here and here.
newsmax Huckabee
I haven't been able to find Laws/By-Laws re: Illegal Immigration, it appears to be
a "don't ask-don't tell situation. I am concerned about the fact there has been this
huge change re: Illegals. I hope it's not a cover-up. I know, I'm sounding paranoid,
but I don't get the "turn-around". Still looking.
This probably sez it all - I hear forked tongues. No wonder the Indians want out.
Special ID
Hmmm, Passports for Americans or Foreigners?
Near the border. I heard they came out with a cheaper passport but I think it's
for Canada/Mexico use only.Special ID
New AZ Employee Law More BS?Special ID
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John Butler-Indiana Should Lead Not Follow

. I want to thank those who are actually listening to their constituency on illegal
aliens in our State. The State runs at a deficit, yet if figures are checked, if the
benefits and other things we pay for illegals were to be deducted(STOPPED)
the State would have a surplus. We applaud anyone of any party that listens to
the people who put them in office. Seymour is a haven for illegals where temp
services get them jobs in factories and employers of illegals run those who
employ legal citizens out of business.Local law enforcement turns the other
way. Wages and benefits across the State are declining while taxes are being
increased. Indiana needs desperately leaders who listen and act on what they
hear from their constituencies, We should be leading instead of following other
States, yet we have weak leadership in the State Capital, Mitch Daniels will sell
the State out from under us, he is greed motivated and driven, people are of no
matter only dollars that magically disappear. Hoosiers are fed up with being
invaded, paying for, and keeping illegal aliens who have no legal right to be here
in our Country let alone State. Again I am thankful some one is representing the
legal citizens .
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John Butler-Invasion is a strategy of war

Invasion is a strategy of war and the only means by which a nation is conquered.
Blanket amnesty and a little relocating from other states would conquer the state
of California. We are losing by default. They already control many major cities
here; and unless the invasion is reversed, it will have tragic consequences.
America has been invaded by probably 20-million Mexicans since the last
amnesty, and illegal immigration is presently a sleeping issue - just the way
many of our leaders want it. They like it, as is, and are determined to provide
amnesty for the foreigners. Why? Are you ready for a shock? Can you handle
the camouflaged truth? Here's why:
FACT: The self-serving, slavery-loving Democratic Party hasn't changed! The
Civil War was fought and 600,000 died because of its rock-solid determination
to retain slavery in America. They cannot reinstate slavery, so Mexicans are the
closest thing to slaves that they can get - and they aren't about to give them up.
Constantly trying to keep masses of people in poverty, its walk is 180° out of
phase with its talk. They have instituted many benefits to bait Mexican illegals
over the border, and they have no intention of shutting off the inflow with border
fencing or shutting off the taxpayer-provided sweet enticements that bring them
up here. NO WAY are they going to cut off the never-ending supply of "cheap
labor." There are also a few GOP compromisers like John McCain and our
president, who is determined to blend Mexico into the United States through
open borders, commerce, and residence. His goal is obviously to bring about
the North American Union, which will drag America down toward the third-world
corruption and deprivations of Mexico. That, my trusting friends, is the bottom
line! You may not like it, but it is the truth.
Another factor in that Party's demand for amnesty is that, long ago, they
mastered the art of appearing kindly and generous - but with other people's
money - making individuals and families dependent on government largesse
so they will be thankful for government's aid and eventually vote for Democrats.
In their lust for power, they bond together in lockstep, constantly trying to create
the image of benevolence, but abhorring the freedoms of capitalistic free-
enterprise, constantly striving for a "Nanny-government," maximum government
socialism, control, and heavier taxation.
America must STOP THE INFLOW coming across our border at an estimated
rate of 3,200 illegals per day. Those who can't get a job - and some who do,
working for cash - live off our taxes. Of the 700+ miles of border fencing that
Congress authorized last year, a grand total of eighteen miles have been
defectively completed. That alone should reveal the deception that's going on in
Washington, proof-positive that our leaders have no honest intention of putting a
halt to the invasion, their talk is only smoke and mirrors deception. The whole
world hates us, yet we effectively invite all to come in and destroy us. Downright
insanity! Years ago, strong illegal immigrant bills were passed, but Congress
and the Judiciary will not enforce them ... because it's all a big farce.
The overwhelming argument against mass deportation is the same as it was
with the slaves: We can't get along without them, they are essential, and prices
on some things will increase. SO WHAT! Right is right! and Wrong is wrong!
Let's do right and things will work out. Deportation will not happen overnight, and
the many hard working reliable aliens could be expedited and legally immigrated
in sort order; but the millions who are leaches on our taxes will not be allowed
back in. Yes, it will be a time of change and change is sometimes painful, but it
is the only thing that can save this nation. It is normal to resist change, but this is
essential. We cannot continue in what is an impending disaster that will destroy
America as we have known it.
A reiteration from the previous article:
Aliens who voluntarily leave should be allowed to take their family and legally
owned possessions that can be hand-carried with them; and reporting to the INS
as they leave, they should be given top priority for legal immigration, because of
their obedience. Immigration should be expanded and expedited, but they must
still qualify as all other legal immigrants have in the past: no criminal record,
have at least one responsible American citizen to sponsor them, have a job
awaiting them, pay applicable taxes, learn the language, pledge their allegiance
to America, etc. Real Americans dearly love America.
Aliens who don't leave would be apprehended and imprisoned in an Arizona tent
prison (already being done with other prisoners), deporting them over the closest
border as soon as convenient, and they can never return as legal immigrants.
The tents are old Army tents, with facilities and rations almost as good as the
military. This would apply to all ages, races, sexes ... with no exceptions. Now,
let's get busy and save America. We need your presence in this effort, it's a big
challenge, and TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!
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