The listed Expertizers are recognized as competent authorities in their specialized fields of philately and/or postal history.
Dr. Helmut Oechsner BPP, AIEP
Gustav-Weiskopf-Weg 13
D-90411 Nürnberg, Germany
Tel +49 (09 11) 5 21 68 61
Fax +49 (09 11) 5 21 62 92
Bavaria: 1914-1920 (inflation);
Germany: 1872-1916 (Michel 53-97 - without Nr. 67),
1916-45 (Michel 96-910)
Official stamps (Michel 1-14, 16-177)
Official control prints: Wiesbaden, Erlenhof
Official control prints: Frankfurt, Langenschwalbach, Mecklenburg, Stuhm
WW1 Occupation : Danzig
Horst Osper BPP
Tuchschererstr. 42
46325 Borken, Germany
Tel +49 (028 61) 44 62
Fax +49 (0 28 61) 60 52 13
Asch (Michel Cat.: 1 - 5),
Karlsbad (Michel Cat.: 1 - 63),
Konstantinsbad (Michel Cat.: 1 - 35),
Niklasdorf (Michel Cat.: 1 - 121),
Reichenberg Maffersdorf (Michel Cat.: 1 - 138),
Rumburg (Michel Cat.: 1 - 52)
>German Occ. 1938-1946:
Maehrisch Ostrau (Michel Cat.: 1 - 63)
Danish West Indies,
Hans-Hermann Paetow BPP
Züricher Straße 110
28325 Bremen, Germany
Tel +49 (04 21) 42 95 33
Fax +49 (04 21) 42 95 03
Occupation: 1938-1945:
Maehrisch Ostrau (Michel Cat.: 1 - 63),
General Government
Siegfried Paul BPP
Postfach 46 03 72
Berlin, 12213 Germany
Schulzestr. 6
13187 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (030) 4 86 97 14, Fax (0 30) 49 91 81 82
DDR: 1949-1960, DDR: Official A
Soviet zone: Michel 182-241
Dr. Karl Pauligk BPP
Postfach 16 36
Freiberg, 09586 Germany
Parkstraße 9
09599 Freiberg, Germany
Tel. +49 (037 31) 24 81 78
German foreign post offices: Morocco,
German Colonies: New Guinea (without GRI);
East Africa; Togo
Dr. Hans-Karl Penning BPP
Irlenpütz 24
53332 Bornheim, Germany
Tel +49 (022 27) 52 79
Fax +49 (02 22 7) 92 54 57
Bund Philatelistischer Prüfer e. V. (BPP)
Soviet zone: Saxony, Saxonian densities (?)
Local issues 1945-46: Bad Schmiedeberg, Döbeln, Freudenstract,
Glauchau, Görlitz, Meißen, Netzschkau-Reichenbach,
Nietsky, Röhrmoos, Titisee
Claus Petry BPP
Grabauer Wag 30
22417 Hamburg, Germany
Tel +49 (040) 5 37 22 42
Germany 1872-1916: (Michel 31-52)
Volkmar Petzold BPP
Postfach 10 04 01
01074 Dresden, Germany
Sagarder Weg 8
01109 Dresden, Germany
Tel +49 (03 51) 8 02 71 51
Soviet zone: districts 14, 16
Detlef Pfeiffer BPP
Wengenstrasse 1
72800 Eningen, Germany
Tel. +49 (071 21) 98 83 16, Fax +49 (071 21) 98 83 18
German Occupation 1938-45 : General Governement
Friedrich Pietz BPP
Neptunweg 14
Nürnberg, 90471 Germany
Tel +49 (09 11) 8 14 75 65
Pre-philately: Bavaria (Bayern)
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Pollmer (c.2000)
Werdermannstr. 18
Meißen, 01662 Germany
- Local issues 1945-46: Meissen
Dr. Peter Provinsky BPP
Weinheimer Straße 21
14199 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (030) 8 43 90 30
German Colony: New Guinea (w/o GRI)
Tilo Rismondo BPP
Postfach 71 01 12
09056 Chemnitz, Germany
An der Kohlung 82
09114 Chemnitz, Germany
Tel./ Fax +49 (03 71) 44 21 53
Old German State : Saxony; Pre-philately incl.
Austria 1850-1867
Andreas Schlegel BPP
Kurfürstendamm 34
10719 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (030) 88 55 09 35,
Fax +49 (030) 88 55 09 37
WWI German Occupation: Libya
Germany: 1916-1945, (Michel: 338-910)
German official stamps (Michel: 99-177)
Berlin, Federal Republic
American and British zones (Michel: 1-72, 101-110)
Allied Occupation (Michel: 911-970)
Hans-Dieter Schlegel
Kurfürstendamm 36
10719 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (030) 8 81 34 18, Fax +49 (030) 88 55 09 75
Germany 1916-1945 ( Michel 338-910 )
German official stamps: ( Michel 99-177 )
Libya: occupation issues
Allied occupation ( Michel 911-970 )
American, British zones ( Michel 36-72, 101-110 )
French zone ; general and: Baden ( Michel 1-47 )
Rhineland ( Mi. 1-52 ), Württemberg ( Michel 1-52 )
Federal Republic, Berlin: booklets, coils, tete-beche
Horst K. Schmidl BPP
Mittenwalder Str. 50
82194 Gröbenzell, Germany
Tel. +49 (081 42) 54 02 72
Zusammendrucke, Markenheftchen, role marks :
Berlin, Fedral Republic
Joh. Ulrich Schmitt BPP
Hochleite 7
D-86911 Diessen am Ammersee, Germany
Tel +49 08807 6051,
Fax 08807 6053
Bavaria (Bayern): 1849-1875
Albania: local issue Koriza, Crete
French and Italian Post offices on Crete
Levant ( only Crete temple ), Old Italy : Crete-cancellations
Greece: local issues: Chios, Dedeagatsch, Mytilene
Epirus, Ikaria, Samos, Thessalonia
Thrace: only Gümüldschina 1913
Heinz-Jörg Schönherr BPP
Friedrich-Schmidt-Str. 24
04249 Leipzig, Germany
Tel./Fax +49 (03 41) 9 46 88 56
DDR: 1949-1960;
Officials A-E
Soviet zone: Michel 212-241
Karl-Heinz Schulz BPP
Weg am Sportplatz 15 g
22850 Norderstedt, Germany
Tel. +49 (040) 5 22 21 68
Pre-philately: Heligoland
Peter Sem BPP
Kellerstr. 3
96163 Gundelsheim, Germany
Tel. +49 (09 51) 4 26 20
Fax +49 (09 51) 4 30 48
E-Mail ;
Thurn and Taxis: 1852-1866
Bavaria (Bayern): 1849-1875
Hermann Walter Sieger BPP, AIEP
Venusberg 32-34
D-73545 Lorch/Württemburg, Germany
Tel +49 07172 4031
Fax +49 07172 21438
Germany: 1872-1916
airmails of 1912; air and zeppelin posts
catapult mail; rocket mail
Liechtenstein (German occupation): 1938-1945,
General Government 1938-1945
(cf.: H.E. Sieger GmbH)
Dr. Joachim Simon BPP
Bundschuhweg 1
08060 Zwickau, Germany
Tel +49 0375 522688
Germany: 1872-1916
Airmail of 1912 ( Michel: I-VI )
Zeppelin post; Catapult mail
Martin-W. Sommer BPP
Tortonastr. 3
Weilburg, 35781 Germany
Tel. +49 (064 71) 26 17
Germany: 1872-1916 ( Michel 1-30 )
Franz Stegmüller BPP
c/o Frau Maria Brettl
- Richard-Wagner-Str. 31
85591 Vaterstetten, Germany
- Tel +49 (081 06) 18 13,
- or: +49 (089) 68 71 02
- E_Mail
- Old German States: Baden
Wolfgang Straub BPP
Wasserweg 1
Schöneck, 61137 Germany
Tel. +49 (061 87) 44 45
Fax +49 (061 87) 9 92 80 54
French zone: manuscript markings, emergency cancels, postal stationery; Baden; Rheinland-Pfalz; Wurttemburg
Bodo Ströh BPP
Postfach 14 24
24550 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany
Hirschberger Str. 29a
24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany
Tel. +49 (041 93) 18 91
Soviet zone: East Saxony Michel 41-65, West Saxony Michel 116-165, Berlin and Brandenburg Michel 1-7, Saxony province Michel 66-91, Thuringen Michel 92-115, postmaster perforations; Local issues 1945-46: Gorlitz, Nietsky
Dr. Peter Tichatzky
Otto-Schmirgal-Str. 8
Berlin, 10319 Germany
Tel.: +49 030 5110090
@-mail (c.2006)
DDR: 1949-1960
Rolf Tworek BPP
Hamburger Str. 15
59494 Soest, Germany
Tel. +49 (029 21) 7 98 94
Germany: 1916-1945 (Michel 96-337);
official stamps (Michel 16-98);
official control prints
Jürgen Vogel BPP
Haselweg 1
85375 Neufahrn, Germany
Tel. +49 (0170) 4 47 99 75
Fax +49 (081 65) 63 56 87
Old German State: Bayern (Baveria): ( MIchel: 37-75 )
Helmut Weigelt
Heinz-Schnaufer-Str. 38
75365 Calw, Germany
Tel. +49 (070 51) 31 31 (BPP c.2001)
DDR: officials A-E; Local issues 1945-46: Alto öbern
Dieter Weinbuch BPP
Forstenrieder Allee 24 1
81476 München, Germany
Tel. +49 (089) 75 43 00
Germany: 1916-1945 (Michel 96-337); official stamps; official control prints
Manfred Wiegand BPP
Max-Born-Ring 31
37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel. +49 (05 51) 37 90 98
Fax +49 (05 51) 3 07 01 91
Germany: 1872-1916 (Michel 31-52)
Michael Wieneke BPP
An der WalIkmühle 23
51069 Köln, Germany
Tel./Fax +49 (02 21) 60 41 60
Occupation issues 1938-45: Channel Islands; Croatia
Hartmut Winkler BPP
Postfach 52
Dettingen, 72581 Germany
Neue Steige 71
72138 Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany
Tel +49 (071 21) 67 85 93
Fax +49 (071 21) 67 85 95
Wurttemberg ( Michel: 44-62 ); officials, telegraph stamps
Germany: 1916-1945 ( Michel: 96-337 ); officials ( Michel: 16-98 )
Official Control Prints: Wiesbaden, Erlenhof,
and: Frankfurt, Langenschwalbach, Mecklenburg, Stuhm
Walter Zirath BPP
Giselaweg 7
22335 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49 (040) 50 64 49
Occupation issues 1938-45: Russia, Ukraine
Predrag Zrinjscak BPP, AIEP
Industriestr. 21
D-75181 Pforzheim, Germany
Tel. +49 (072 31) 78 63 03
Fax +49 7231 786736
Yugoslavia, Croatia from 1991, 'sog.' NDH Croatia 1941-45
Istria - Zone B, Triest - Zone B