Snail Facts

Snail Anatomy 

Snail Life Cycle

Snail Investigations

Snails as Pets

Snail Tales

Snail Crafts

Snail Links

Snail Photos

Snail Games

Teacher's Guide

Snail Home

Schoolyard Safari

Here are some neat experiments and activities to do with your snails.

Investigation 1 - Getting to know your snail

Investigation 2 - Does a snail travel in a straight line?

Investigation 4 - How fast does your snail travel?

Investigation 4 - Does a big snail travel faster than a small snail?

Investigation 5 - Does a snail travel faster going uphill or downhill?

Investigation 6 - What does a snail like to eat?

Investigation 7 - Does a snail prefer light or dark?

Investigation 8 - What does a snail do when it encounters something in its path?

Investigation 9 - 


© 2001 S. Seagraves

Be sure to visit our classroom web site for more thematic units and lesson plan ideas.

Mrs. Seagraves' QUEST Class Homepage


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