Tools of the Witch

Well lets see, I need 2 bat wings, 4 frog legs, 1 eye of nute,
OH!! wait a minute, i'm on the wrong page. This is the tool section.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just kidding, i thought it was funny.

1. Athame~~~A sacred knife
2. Amulet~~~An object worn or carried for luck
3. Boline~~~A chisel knife used to cut and chop herbs.
4. Besom~~~A witches broom
5. Balefire~~~A fire built outside, in a very small pit in the ground
6. Censor~~~Used to burn incense in
7. Grimoire~~~A collection of spells and magickal rites,
also called The Book of Shadows or Witches grimoire

8. Herbs~~~Plants used in rituals also to make oils
9. Pentagram~~~A magickal symbol~~the five pointed star
10. Fith-fath~~~A magickal doll image of a human or animal
11. Sachet~~~A small cloth bag filled with herbs
12. Scry mirror or crystal ball~~~Used for divination
13. Mortar & Pestal~~~Used for crushing and mixing herbs etc...
14. Couldron~~~Used for brewing
15. Charcoal blocks~~~Used to burn incense on
16. Eye dropper~~~Used to blend oils
17. Quill & ink~~~Used to write in your Grimoire
18. Sea salt & spring water~~~Used for cleansing and purifications
19. Virgin olive oil~~~Used in making oils
20. Wand~~~Used in pointing out your rite ( i use my finger)
21. A large supply of herbs...i've covered this in the herb section
22. A large supply of candles,

Some of thier colors and use

Purple~~~That added boost
White~~~Blessings & general work
Brown~~~For animals

More about the meanings of colors are on the color page of my B.O.S.

Oh my goddess, i almost forgot one, the altar, it is used to place your
tools on and to perform your rituals. it is considered a sacred home.

I will update this list at a later time,
i still have a lot more to do within this site.
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