The purification bath
The purification bath is done to help relax you, and cleanse your inner self of
all negative stress so you don't carry with you any unwanted energies
or vibrations inside your circle. Make a sachet filled with Basil~Betony~
Light two white candles and place one at each end of the tub. Sprinkle a little bit
of seasalt into the water for cleansing and put your sachet into the water.
While bathing, gently squeeze the sachet so the oils from the herbs blend
with the water, now relax and meditate. When you are finished with your bath,
gently pat yourself dry then anoint yourself with the oil of your choice.
Dress in your ritual clothing and approch your altar.

You are now ready to perform your ritual.

Note: Take your bathing candles with you so you can light your illumination candles then place them to the side out of site.
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