The Altar
The section is for those of whom that wish to set up a permanent altar somewhere within thier home. You might want to set one up in an area away from anything that may cause distruction or anyone that may cause distractions. Placing your altar to the North was believed to have been the realm of positive magick, familiars, and of midnight. Placing your altar to the East was in honor of the sun and the moon, the end of the old and the beginning of the new. I have mine facing North. Some believed that the right side of the altar was the representation of the Gods while the left side was for the Goddesses. I'm not to sure about this for i have my deitie structure centered in the back of my altar. I have always believed that if you included your Gods/Goddesses into your altar, that they became the whole of your altar. ( that is my dingbatted opinion again ) I will explain how i have set mine up and have also included a somewhat ridiculous looking drawing of what one may look like. You will need a flat surface low to the floor in which you can kneel in front of, an old antique coffee table works great, if you wish, you can lay a cloth upon your altar drapping to the floor but not overlapping across the floor. Place two white candles in each of the two back corners away from you. These are used for illumination. Between these candles is where you would place you deitie structure. In front of the dietie, place your censer, lay your athame slightly to the left in front of the cencer. Next to the athame, and slightly to the right of the censer, lay your boline, if you have a crystal ball or scry mirror, it would be placed in front of you censer. Your grimiore or B.O.S. would go to the right side of the altar. The water and earth bowls on the left side, the chalice to the left of the censer and the bowl of incense to the right of the censer, the ritual candles would be placed slightly inwards toward the center away from the illuminating candles. This is just one way of setting up an altar, i couldn't even begin to tell you all the different way. This is just something you are going to have to work with. Usually, if you let your inner self take over, your altar will turn out the way it needs to be for you. Let your inner self be your guide and you can't go wrong.
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