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A favorable outcome of the COVID-19 crisis might be achieved with massive vaccination. The proposed vaccines contain several different vaccine active principles (VAP), such as inactivated virus, antigen, mRNA, and DNA, which are associated with either standard adjuvants or nanomaterials (NM) such as liposomes in Moderna's and BioNTech/Pfizer's vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine adjuvants may be chosen among liposomes or other types of NM composed for example of graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, micelles, exosomes, membrane vesicles, polymers, or metallic NM, taking inspiration from cancer nano-vaccines, whose adjuvants may share some of their properties with those of viral vaccines. The mechanisms of action of nano-adjuvants are based on the facilitation by NM of targeting certain regions of immune interest such as the mucus, lymph nodes, and zones of infection or blood irrigation, the possible modulation of the type of attachment of the VAP to NM, in particular VAP positioning on the NM external surface to favor VAP presentation to antigen presenting cells (APC) or VAP encapsulation within NM to prevent VAP degradation, and the possibility to adjust the nature of the immune response by tuning the physico-chemical properties of NM such as their size, surface charge, or composition. The use of NM as adjuvants or the presence of nano-dimensions in COVID-19 vaccines does not only have the potential to improve the vaccine benefit/risk ratio, but also to reduce the dose of vaccine necessary to reach full efficacy. It could therefore ease the overall spread of COVID-19 vaccines within a sufficiently large portion of the world population to exit the current crisis.

Fig. 2 Nanomaterials of different compositions and assemblies that can be used as vaccine adjuvants, including micelles, carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide, dendrigrafts, virosomes, phospholipids nano-assemblies, polysaccharides, exosomes, mesoporous or plain nanomaterial (metallic or not), self-assembled peptides, liposomes, and hollow bi-polymeric NM.

V.1 Nanomaterials with specific carbon atom arrangements (graphene oxide and carbon nanotube).

Graphene oxide (GO) structure consists of a single two-dimensional crystalline layer containing sp2/sp3 hybridized carbon atoms organized within hexagonal networks, where the basal planes or edges of such layer are either largely covered by a series of oxygen functional groups such as hydroxyl, carbonyl, and epoxy groups, for non-reduced GO or not/partly covered by such groups for reduced GO (rGO).21 Whereas GO is usually obtained by oxidizing graphite, e.g. using Hummers’ methods,22 rGO results from the reduction of GO, often using a toxic chemical such as hydrazine hydrate.23 GO/rGO have further been coated or modified with various materials such as PEG to yield structures with improved hydrophilicity, solubility, stability, biocompatibility, and delivery efficacy compared with untreated structures.24 Two very interesting aspects are derived from GO/rGO geometry. First, the large surface of GO/rGO enables the non-covalent binding of a large quantity of antigens such as human amyloid peptide (Aβ) or glioma antigen (Ag).25 Second, such antigens could potentially be released in a controlled manner from GO/rGO surface through a transition from a folded to an un-folded state of the whole structure.26 A series of GO/rGO properties make this material particularly well suited for being used as nano-adjuvant. Firstly, GO/rGO apparently facilitates antigen cellular internalization through endocytosis via specific interactions between GO/rGO and cell membrane receptors involved in endocytosis,27 a behavior that can also be associated with the high aspect ratio of GO/rGO, which seems to facilitate GO/rGO insertion within the cell membrane. Secondly, the strength of immune stimulation can be tuned by varying the size of GO/rGO, i.e. it was shown that GO of 2 μm triggered a stronger immune response than GO of 350 nm.28 Thirdly, GO/rGO can protect the antigen from enzymatic digestion, by promoting intracellular antigen trafficking via the cytoplasm, hence avoiding lysosome degradation.29 Fourthly, it was demonstrated that GO/rGO could favor an immune response, by facilitating antigen cross-presentation to CD8+ T cells,28 by increasing the quantity of cytokines and chemokines produced by DC,26 by enhancing MHC-I expression, which is an essential step in the activation of CD8+ T cells,21 or by stimulating the release of proinflammatory factors by macrophages.30,31 In a very interesting study, mice suffering from B16F10 melanoma received a vaccine containing PEG/CPG functionalized rGO, where rGO apparently acted as the antigen. It led to the migration of rGO towards lymph nodes, the activation of DC, and resulted in tumor growth delay.32



TOXICITY OF GRAPHENE OXIDE -- RECOMMENDED POSSIBLE DETOX   How To Remove Graphene Oxide From Your Body After The Covid Jab

It has been demonstrated that graphene oxide toxicity causes intracellular oxidative stress, leading to cytotoxicity and the inhibition of cell proliferation. sciencific evidence shows that graphene oxide (go) is toxic with multiple adverse effects on the body.

CoVid vaccines based on graphene, nanonetwork and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT)  --  MEDICAL PDF JOURNAL




Graphene is a nanomaterial that possesses exceptional physical, thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic properties; it can be used as a superconductor, transducer, absorber of electromagnetic waves, emitter and receiver of signals. It has also been observed that by taking a vial of Pfizer vaccine and allowing the hydrogel to dry, after 3-4 days the presence of nanocircuits can be seen under the microscope: it is the graphene that reacts to electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic microwaves, self-assembles, according to DNA-based nanopatterns to mark the order of construction and electrophoresis/teslaphoresis to trigger the process in the solution materials (hydrogel) into electronic nanocircuits, with real nanoscale components, such as nanorouter, nanoantenna, etc. , formed of graphene, which acts as a signal repeater, since it is radio modulable, i.e. able to absorb electromagnetic waves and multiply their radiation; these electronic components are organized in Quantum Dots (GQDs) and Quantum Cells (QCA), particles that enjoy the above properties of graphene, exponentially greater, thanks to the Quantum Hall effect, especially in environments such as the human body. It will thus create an intracorporeal network or nanonetwork, which will detect every vital parameter, but also every slightest variation inside the body, thanks to the advanced and compressed electronics, superimposed on 3D. The collected signals would then be sent, through a gateway connected to the 5G network, in the Internet, to be stored in a huge cloud database and processed by software based on Machine Learning, exploiting the computing power of quantum computers. The ultimate goal could be to store and eventually reproduce what we call "consciousness", in perpetuity.


Micrograph of a Carbon Cluster of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO or Graphene Hydroxide) Viewed in the Live Unstained Human Blood with pHase Contrast Microscopy at 1500x.  Note that the Red Blood Cells are Clotting in and Around the rGO Crystal in a Condition Known as Rouleau! A French Word Which Means to Chain. Dr. Robert O. Young, Profiles in Medical Microscopy, Hikari Omni Publishing

Micrograph of a Carbon Cluster of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO or Graphene Hydroxide) Viewed in the Live Unstained Human Blood with pHase Contrast Microscopy at 1500x. Note that the Red Blood Cells are Clotting in and Around the rGO Crystal in a Condition Known as Rouleau! A French Word Which Means to Chain. Dr. Robert O. Young, Profiles in Medical Microscopy, Hikari Omni Publishing

Pfizer vaccine sample containing apparently artificial structures resembling electronic circuits (Campra P. 2021)

Pfizer vaccine sample containing apparently artificial structures resembling electronic circuits (Campra P. 2021)



Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles (GFNs): a general review of the origins and mechanisms

"Along with the application and production of GFNs increasing, the risk of unintentional occupational or environmental exposure to GFNs is increasing [26]. And recently, there are some investigation on GFNs exposure in occupational settings and published data showed that the occupational exposure of GFNs had potential toxicity to the workers and researchers [27–29]. GFNs can be delivered into bodies by intratracheal instillation [30], oral administration [31], intravenous injection [32], intraperitoneal injection [33] and subcutaneous injection [34]. GFNs can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulating in the lung, liver, and spleen etc. For example, some graphene nanomaterials aerosols can be inhaled and substantial deposition in the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas, lung fibrosis and adverse health effects to exposed persons [2, 29]."

"A schematic of the main mechanisms of GFNs cytotoxicity is illustrated in Fig. 3."

figure 3

"Schematic diagram showed the possible mechanisms of GFNs cytotoxicity. GFNs get into cells through different ways, which induce in ROS generation, LDH and MDA increase, and Ca2+ release. Subsequently, GFNs cause kinds of cell injury, for instance, cell membrane damage, inflammation, DNA damage, mitochondrial disorders, apoptosis or necrosis."

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Difference between graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide.

Schematic representation of the synthesis of reduced graphene oxide.

Schematic representation of the synthesis of reduced graphene oxide


How To Detox Graphene Oxide Holistic Health Online

Recommended supplements to detoxify graphene oxide from the body can be:
