..//  About this website.


Welcome to my website.

S.N. Laboratories stands for Spectral Neon Laboratories.  Also spelled - Sp3ctral N3on Laboratories.

This website was developed as a hobby at the beginning of May 2024.  For the purpose of cultivating a 'personal educational research archive' pertaining to subjects varying from science, medicine, nanotechnology, Internet of Things (WBAN), electromagnetics, biology, chemistry, human health (biofield), spirituality, and many more.


This website is ALWAYS under construction.  With experiments, refinements, revisions, and updates.  Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Website design, layout, and aesthetic template was designed from scratch by me.  Using mostly HMTL coding, a few CSS scripts, and a very basic front page editor. 


All infographics located in the INFOGRAPHICS page were also created by me using an old version of Linux GIMP.  Each infographic was created by compiling select illustrations from various peer reviewed medical journals, medical slideshows, and white papers.  The process of creating each infographic involves lots of cutting and pasting, image layering, image masking, layer opacity adjustments and careful erasing, paintbrushing lines, level adjustments, hue adjustments, brightness and contrast adjustments, etc.

The objective is to present key points of complex information in a compartmentalized - easy to understand visual format.


All images and infographics on this website are not for sale, not for sale redistribution, and not to be used for commercial purposes. 

All content on this website is for the sole purpose of personal and educational research.


This website is a personal hobby, designed to share and encourage educational research and artistic creativity.