123 Main Street * Anytown, NH 03000 * 555-123-4567
Wednesday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


It is often said that golf is a good walk spoiled. Well I'm not sure if I believe that, after all, most amatuers actually rent golf carts :). But one of the things that I think everyone can agree on is that golf can be a great day outside and, as long as you don't take it too seriously, can be a lot of fun.

What do you think?

Now that Spring may have finally sprung (unfortunately, this still in question right now), the time has come to get out your clubs and clean them off. I'm not sure about in your area, but up here the courses are still soggy and there's still snow in the tree line. The local course has opened the driving range, but not the full course yet.

While we're waiting for the courses to dry out, now is a good time to get your mind ready for the links. The video linked here shows the swing of a few pretty good golfers. The announcers do a great job of showing and breaking down the swings.

One other item that everyone needs to keep in mind this time of year, most of us have been pretty sedentary for the last few months. They do have orange golf balls so you can play in the snow, but, I haven't seen a pair of good golfing boots yet and most golf carts don't have snow tires. So remember before you head out to put in 18 holes, stretch, stretch, and then stretch some more. It's not a good start to the season if end up pulling a muscle on the first hole!

Do you think the video has helped?