skip you along the glittering trail
on through the sun-dappled glen
down to the brook, using hands for a pail
you drink, then, refreshed, skip again
into the meadow where calm cattle graze
over the fence of barbed wire
follow the near hidden path through the haze
drawn by the western sky's fire
onward, still onward, you aren't tired yet
you know that your refuge awaits
a magical place you can never forget
only you hold the key to those gates
pause to breathe for a moment
you glance to the ground
for a trace of the path you know well
then the earth heaves and shudders
yet makes not a sound
and the song of the fae weaves its spell
at long last you have found it
the place of the dream
deep inside you it lives like a storm
like a vein of green fire
in the darkest of nights
it's the soul light
and it's always warm

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courtesy of Dover Publications.

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