Smithcraft Apprentice Guide

Promotions and Ranks, Continued


When you advance to Journeyrank, you can be posted. You will also be given a room in the Journeyman dorms. You can let the CM and C2 know where you would like to be posted, however they have the final say. They will contact the IC leader of the place you would like to be posted. At your post, you will have these duties:

You are basically on your own as a Journeyman, though you still answer to your master. You are expected to perform any tasks your master wants. As a Journeyman, you will also perfect your area of expertise in the Smith Craft. This can be done IC'ly, but it's also nice to do research on your own. (And if you do, email or somehow type it up and send it to the keeper of the webpage (at [email protected]) so it can be added to the pages.)

If you are not posted (or don't wish to be, and you don't have to be) then you will remain at the hall. A post is not a requirement for promotion. You will be given a room in the Journeyman dorms, of course. As a Journeyman at the hall you should:

To advance onto Master level will require at least 6 months minimum time as Journeyman, with a few exceptions. A good grasp of code is highly recommended. Roleplaying will also be monitored heavily.


When you reach Master status in the SmithCraft, it means you have reached a level of expertise in your area of the craft. The following is expected of SmithCraft Masters:

The apprentices and journeyman appointed to you are basically under your control. They can be sent on errands, and they will assist you in projects whenever needed. A Master will not abuse this relationship.

Subcraft head/Apprentice Master

While the head of a subcraft and the apprentice master CAN (and possibly will) be Journeymen, it is preferable that they be a master. For each position, a J'man would be like an intern; fully capable, but still learning.

  • Subcraft head:
  • You are in charge of knowing what goes on in your subcraft. It would be nice if some OOC studying went into it, so that if you're a glass worker, you know the difference between a lathe and a muller. However, we don't always have the time. If you are able to, email the information to the keeper of the web page, and they will add it to the SmithCraft HomePage.

  • Apprentice Master:
  • Surprise! You're in charge of ALL the apprentices, so be prepared to promote, demote, annoy, tease, harass and insult them. Well, not really, but you are the Master/J'man most involved with their lives, and you should be there to help out any disputes, encourage RP etc. Apprentice welfare, health and attitude really is your domain.


    A Craftsecond is a Master/Jman who has shown consistent effort and excellency in their work, as well as an interest in helping to keep their Craft active and enjoyable. They should be knowledgeable about most craft-related topics and have good admin skills OOCly, if not ICly. A Craftsecond is chosen by the Craftmaster, and their duties generally include:


    The Craftmaster is in charge of the entire craft. He/She is a Master who is motivated and willing to make sure the Craft remains active. Among the numerous duties of a Craftmaster are to: