

E-mail us

We here at Slasherphiles are open to submissions! Fantastic, right? We agree, so to post your story on our page just make sure you've followed our six fabulous rules:

The Rules:

1. Angel/Spike. Angelus/Spike. Will/Angelus. Doesn't matter, just have them both in the story. And let them be part of the story for more than two sentences. Other characters allowed...grudgingly.
No stories with Connor (It freaks Ness out) or Lorne (It freaks Inca out)

2. Put '
Authors Notes' on your story. We don't do it, but, hey, its our site. Okay, put on the basics:
   Your name
   Title of the story
   E-mail or Web Page (optional)
   The rating of the story (PG, R, NC-17, etc.) - But if you've rated it PG and it has graphic sex in it, we will change the rating.
   Disclaimer (Give credit where credit is due)
   A short summary
And anything else you see fit.

Dont send a story in one long paragraph. Annoying.

Please only send Finished Fiction

Spell Check

. NEW RULE! Limited Space. Sorry, but it didn't actually occur to us before, and we've been having alot of problems with it. We only have a limited amount of space. And while 58 page stories are great to read, we can't fit them on our site. And while we adore people who send us their epic stories with 6 parts, 29 pages each, we probably won't put them up. Believe us, to put a fic up of that size, ... involves deleting, constantly rearranging things to fit it, reloading computers from the sheer memory it takes to upload it onto Geo .... and time.
                You probably don't need to know that. This you do need to know.
One 30 page epic is fine. If you have more than one we are glad to link you in our archive. Do not send us 50 page stories. Send us a link, we will link you.
Do not send us 10 stories. Three stories is all we'll put up in the archive. To all people who have already sent us 10 stories, we'll just pick our favourites from those you have sent.

To recap - No more than 3 stories. No more than one 30 page story. Thanks.

Follow the rules, they're ... pretty simple.

Ready to Slash? E-mail us

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