

The Webmistresses


Other slasherphiles junk

Hello Slasherphiles!

Yes, yes, a new layout thanks to the ever amazing N-Dawg. How good is she getting with the graphics?
Give her a clap, come on. Thankyou.
Alright now, for our return viewers many things have changed. Fiction can still be
accessed from almost every page, never fear. But alot of the links were taking up too much room
so we've made sub link pages, meaning not every thing links from here. Its all still here
dont worry. And some new stuff has found its home here too!

We're actually coming up to our TWO year anniversary so watch out.
What? That's a long time for commitment-phobics. N-Dawg can't even commit to a hair colour
so thank Jeebus for the site still being open. Her hair is now dark brown with caramel foils.
Inca's is... in frantic need of a cut.

Angel has finished. Yes yes it was a shock to us too. I hope everyone who comes here has the episodes on either tape or DVD. Inca has the series on both.
Except Part 5 on DVD cause well, Australia sucks when it comes to media.

But dont worry, Spike and Angel are still here, slashing 'till they cant slash no more!


People have slashed
We slash 'till we cant slash no more Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel and all associated paraphenalia are property of Joss Whedon, the WB Television Network, UPN, Mutant Enemy and Sandollar.
But really, how would they find us? Anyway, this site is all ours, we worked our sweat and blood into it. Metaphoric blood and sweat, otherwise it'd be all dirty. Besides, this is promotion for their shoes... I mean shows.

If for any bizarre reason you'd like to contact us... and you wanna chat to us on a regular basis (God help your souls)... look us up on MSN with the email "[email protected]" and we shall be there for you. Good luck.

Backgrounds you can use, use em on your site, but give credit where credit is due. N-Dawg. Please dont use the layouts because N-Dawg will hunt you down and turn you into a puppet.
For ever.

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