This page contains the work of other writers who have deemed 'Slasherphiles' worthy of their work. Read, be happy, and respond with feedback, they deserve it.
The Archive...

We are building an archive here at our home, so if you have a story you think fits the genre for Slasherphiles, write to us, and we'll probably say yes.

Remember- we are a Angel/Spike orientated site, and we as webmistresses, reserve the right to say no.

The Nature Of Forgiveness- By Esmeralda
Vampire Sex of the highest order, NC-17
                    Visit Esmeralda at her site or
                              Feedback -
[email protected]

Thirty Days- By Kita
Beautyful fic, Angel's thoughts and memories, mainly relating to blood.   Various POV. NC-17 for imagry.

Fool's Gold
Sadly beautiful fiction involving Spike and Angel. R for violence and M/M slash.
                    Feedback -
[email protected]

Faded Photographs- By Saber Shadowkitten                (Outside link)
Angel's past walks into his future, and he must decide between saving a soul and true love. NC-17

Tanner's Saturday                                                                (Outside link)
Companion Piece to 'Faded Photographs'. NC-17

A Time and A Place
Very sentimental piece for Ness and I. I gave it to her on her 16th birthday as a card. NC-17

Body Paint
Great Fic, I love this one-very fun. NC-17

                   Visit Saber Shadowkitten at her site
                                  Feedback -
[email protected]

By Her Side
- By Criss Moody
Angel relieves some tension after comforting Buffy at the cemetary. Wonderful, just wonderful.
                                   Feedback -
[email protected]

Seconds- By Rune
Great fic, rather pretty in its own way. Angel POV

                     Visit Rune's own archive at
                                   Feedback - [email protected]

Leather and Lies- By DeAnna Zankich
Fantastic fic! Angelus and Spike with a little Giles torture for good measure. Long story, but well worth the effort. Extremely NC-17

                                   Feedback -
[email protected]

That Was Then, This Is Now - DitzCat
Angel reflects on his past with Spike. Excellent fic. PG-13, non graphic slash.

                                       Feedback -
[email protected]

Inprisonment - Sweetness
BTVS Challenge #30   A prank is pulled on Angel. M slash

                     Find more of Sweetness' work at
                      Feedback- [email protected]

Empty - Daylight Shadow
Set Post 'A hole in the world'. NC-17

                    Visit Daylight Shadow at her site
                      Feedback- [email protected]

Requiem for a Childe - Janet Lynn
Spike's dead, Angel remembers. NC-17 *RECOMMENDED*

            Sadly Janet Lynn's story is too large for us to upload onto Slasherphiles, but please, visit Janet's site for her stories.
                     Visit Janet at her site

You don't need to bother
Buffy and Angel get together for some conversation and karaoke and a certain blonde vampire takes the mic. cute fic. PG-13

Love in an Elevator - Victoria
Spike thinks that working for W&H is bad for Angel, and decides to send him a very explicit memo to that effect. very fun fic.

One Good Turn
Darla and Angelus make a bet, and both the winner and the loser end up with more than they bargained for
NC-17 - also includes f/f slash (Darla/Drusilla) - long fic

What Goes Around

Angel returns to Sunnydale to sort out a few things with Spike, but unexpected feelings surface and furniture gets broken. NC-17 - long fic

                  Visit Victoria's
live journal for more fic
                      Feedback -
[email protected]

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