Paganism/What it means to be a "Pagan"
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The word "Pagan" has Roman roots and though the translation means "country dweller", it is not nearly so generic.  By definition, the word "Pagan" means any person(s) who does not follow the faith of Christianity, Judeoism, Zionism, or Muslim.

Paganism is an earth based religion with spiritual connections with nature that embody the idea of polytheistic deities (Gods and Goddesses).  Examples of early Paganism can be seen in ancient Greece, Rome, and even ancient Druidic religions.

Today, Paganism (or Neo-Paganism) is far more complex and not as easy to define as it has been historically.  Paganism can define someone who is a Wiccan, Wittan, Druidic, Celtic Reconstructionalist, Native American Spirituality, Stregherian, and the list quite literally goes on and on.  However, it can also define someone who gives no title to their faith but instead combines many ecclectic spiritualites into a personal earth based religion. 

Though far apart in both cultures and definitions, all Pagans have common bonds with the earth, with nature and with magic.  All follow, in some form, the wheel of the year and call upon the elements of earth, air, fire and water for spells and rituals.  It is this common bond that unites Pagans as a whole and should unite us as a community.

- Jade Spiritiger
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