Heathenism/What it means to be a "Heathen"
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Though some might argue that the terms "Heathen" and "Pagan" should be synonymous, there are some paths (notably Asatruar and Nordic Practioners) who make a definite distiction between these titles.  Historically, Imperial Rome invaded the Germanies, which is why most Nordic faiths do not accept the definition of "Pagan" to describe their spirituality.  The phrase "Burn Rome!" can often be heard from our beloved Heathen brethren.

The word "Asatru", is said to be derived from the Danish word "Asetro" which was first seen in the 1885 periodical article "Fjallkonan". 

Asatru is a polytheistic religion and there are three races of Deities in the Norse pantheon.  All of them are regarded as living entities who are involved in the human existance.  The races are as follows, briefly;
The Aesir - Gods of the tribe or clan, representing kingship, order and craft, The Vanir - Gods of the fertility of the earth and the forces of nature, and though associated with the clan, are not a part of it, and The Jotnar - Giants who are in a constant state of war with the Aesir.  They represent chaos and destruction.  Vanitru, which focuses on nature and earth, is also a Nordic religion.

Asatru communites are known traditionally as "Kindreds", "Hearths", or "Garths" and follow the "Nine Noble Virtues"..  Male priests are known as "Gothi" and preistesses are known as "Gythia".  Their rituals consist of "Blots" and "Sumbels".  S.I.P.H.N. has kin of the local 'Wolves Woad Kindred' as members and friends of our group, which is why we gladly include the word "Heathen" in our title.

- Jade Spiritiger
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