There are seven recognized subspecies of lion:

Bleyenberghi - (the Angola Lion) which is found in Zimbabwe, Angola, and Zaire.

Kruegri - (the South African Lion aka the Transvaal Lion) which lives in Botswana, Nambia, and South Africa.

Leo - (the Barbary Lion) which is extinct in the wild, but some exist in captivity.

Massaicus - (the Masai Lion) that exists in eastern Africa (Mostly Kenya and Tanzania).

Melonochaitus - (the Cape Lion) that is extinct in the wild, but like the Barbary lion, may exist in captivity.

Persica - (the Asiatic Lion) which resides in northwest India.

Senegalensis - (the Senegalese Lion) which is found in western Africa.

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Unlike the tiger, lions, as a whole species, are still maintaining something of a stronghold in wild. It is the lion sub-species that are either extinct or facing serious danger of survival. For the tiger, if the current situation doesn't change soon, there will be no more existence in the wild. Unless humans change their ways, I fear that eventually the same fate may befall the lion.


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