Part 19

"What?" Daniel replied.

"You are sooooooo cute! Did ya know that, honey?" Ash continued.

"Ummm..." Daniel walked closer to the Feo sisters, for they had protection called guns and razors. Ash ran towards Daniel and babbled about how attractive he was to her as he began to shake rapidly and fall to the floor.

"Daniel?...Daniel?...What the hell happened?..."

"Ash's teeny babbling has weakened Daniel!" screamed KelNino.

Ada began to wake up in the corner. She was rather groggy, but she could tell something happened. She saw Daniel shaking on the floor. "Okay, which one of you killed Daniel?" she said. On seeing that he wasn't actually dead, she said, "Oops, never mind, he's just shaking rapidly. He needs a binky. Someone get Danny a binky." John went through Daniel's bag and found a half-torn-up, chewed bunny blanket.

"Ha ha ha, Danny brought his bunny blankie!" cackled Heath.

But, before Shayla could silence him, Chris said, "Daniel! Get up, you're fine, why do you always throw these fits! You really need to grow up!"

"Because my mummy didn't love me...she called me names... she taught me to swim by holding my head underwater for sustained amounts of time and this is how I react to the public..." he sniveled. No one seemed to care as Daniel continued explaining himself.

KelNino looked over at Junta who was turning grayer by the second. Everyone was growing older - catching up with the time period they were in. They would have to leave the future before they shriveled up and died!

KelNino decided to interrupt Daniel by saying, "Look we have no time, we must get out before we shrivel up and become soggy!"

"Eeewwwww!" Daniel said, looking down.

Everyone agreed with KelNino and began walking, unfortunately they all seemed lost and decided to walk into a bar to get their stress out. Daniel began whining that he didn't know where he was and that he wanted his bunny doll (Doola).

When they entered the bar, they noticed that the entrance had blood-red walls and black carpet. As they ventured further into the bar, it became evident they were in a gothic joint. The walls had paintings of crosses and black walls with velvet carpets.

They decided to sit down and ask Ada to go over to the bartender standing there and ask for a few drinks. Ada frowned, but then did as everyone asked, as she walked over and asked for a few vodka shots, the bartender turned around and Ada realized it was a girl who looked familiar in a way with no explanation to it. She was wearing some ripped acid-washed baggy jeans with a ripped Nirvana shirt, and her hair was short and blonde with reddish/black highlights and an eyebrow ring. She had a friendly smile and said, "Hey, my name is �cars. I am your bartender for the night. How can I help you?"

"Hey �cars! Haven't seen you in awhile!"

�cars just looked blankly at Ada. "Do I know you? Look, you're creeping me out. Do you want any drinks or not?"

Ada was hurt. "But �cars!..." Kelnino was wondering what was taking Ada so long, so she went to go see. But before she could leave, Robin had gone off into a corner. He was (what else?) eating bananas!

�cars kept looking blankly at Ada, who kept saying she knew her, as Ada kept trying to explain, �cars couldn't help notice someone stuck in a corner eating bananas. She looked back at Ada and pulled her by the arm over to Robin, and pointed him to her with one of her eyebrows arched. "What is he doing? Sorry, but we can't have people eating bananas in here. It's a rule," she said, looking at Robin and pointing to the sign above him. "Nonetheless, suck on them like if they were...ummmm, never mind." With that, she walked away and back to the bar. junta got up, wondering what the hell was going on with their drinks. She walked up to �cars and pointed at her with a razor and said, "I'm having a bad day today; Daniel won't stop whining about being depressed, my Feo sister is ignoring me, �cars has suddenly disappeared in thin air, and now I have the urge to slice my throat. Give me a damn drink to calm my nerves already! Please!" junta slammed her knees straight into the black ground and began crying.

"I haven't disappeared...I decided on working for the night to get some supportive money for imperfect hate- my band," �cars informed the depressed junta.

junta stared up, wondering what the hell she was talking about and realized it was �cars - her Miami mate.

"Oh thank you dear lord! You've given her back to us!" KelNino screamed.

"Do you believe in God?" rockstar asked.

"No - I just felt like making junta laugh," KelNino answered.

"So - how about our drinks?" Ben inquired, holding down someone with a very thin frame.

"What are you doing, Ben?" asked �cars.

"Oh, me? Well, I'm killing Daniel..." Ben laughed and pushed his face in a pillow.

"No, no!" cried Ash in her crazy teeny babble. "He's just way too attractive!"

"Oh, we forgot that Ash was insane!" said Junta.

Ada then came over to Ash and slapped her as hard as she could across the face. Ash staggered and then hugged Ada. "Oh, thank you Ada, you're my hero!" cried Ash in happiness that she was no longer a teeny. fireangel then went and got a hose from the corner and started to spray Ben to calm him down.

"AHHH...that water is bloody cold!" Meanwhile, Ada was helping Ash get back to her senses. �cars was also beginning to realize who everyone was. She felt like a dork for forgetting. Ada ran over and gave her a big hug.

Everyone was happy, but they were slowly growing older by the moment. Daniel could hardly walk anymore. "Hey guys, how are we gonna get out of here?"

"Any ideas?" Black Ballroom asked. The bar was completely silent.

"Hey, I have an idea!" dreamer announced.

"You think you can get us out of here?" KelNino yelped excitedly.

"Well, not me personally, but I know someone who can! Ada, help me out." dreamer and Ada stood in the center of the room, palms together, concentrating as hard as they could. A strange purple light began to appear and swirl around them. As it became brighter, it traveled faster. Soon, a familiar voice could be heard.

"dreamer, Ada, is that you?"

"Yes, it's us, Saurus! We have to get back home, and quickly!"

"Use the amethyst slippers!"

"You mean my glittery purple platforms?!"

"Yes! Click the heels together three times and you'll find your way home!"

"Thank you!" dreamer suddenly began to choke on her words. "Goodbye, Saurus."

"Goodbye, dreamer. Fear not, I will find you again."

His voice faded to nothing. dreamer clicked her heels together. Suddenly, a creaking sound came from one of the walls. A huge painting swung out, revealing a hidden passageway filled with a purple fog. "Let's go!" wheezed Ash.

Everyone made it through the door (even though Chris had to carry Daniel - Ben sure couldn't be trusted after that ugly little episode earlier) and went down, down, down the tunnel until...

"Ooof! Man, that smarts!" Robin had bumped into the doorknob at the other end! As the Bathroom Pioneers stepped out at the other end, their youth was instantly restored.

After about 10 seconds, it became evident that our heroes were now in...Japan?!

"Now why the #%@$ are we in Japan?! Who do we have to target in Japan?" growled junta.

"Pokemon," said Ada. "We must kill Pokemon."

"But what do Pokemon have to do with pop stars?" asked �cars, who had joined them on their mission.

"Well, they obviously have SOMETHING to do with SOMETHING," said rockstar.

"Yeah, but what?"

KelNino reappeared (after a long week of studying her book which was actually a Satanic anti-christ spellbook that she covered to look like a math book - it's anybody's guess as to how she could be gone for a week like that) and said "Pikachu!"

dreamer gave her a funny look, but greeted the wet blonde anyway. "Err, you're all wet because?"

"They evacuated the school 'cause the smoke alarms went berserk."


"They say the band room lit...I think the staff was smoking something mighty powerful...anyway, we played out in the rain. It was fun...Now what about Pokemon?"

"Er...I can't remember..."

"Well," said KelNino matter-of-factly, "I know the Atlanta Pokemon champion. I kick his ass all the time. His name is Josh and he goes to my school."

"But we're in Japan!"

"Oh, well, then why don't we go watch some cool cartoons! I bet there's some really neat Japanese ones we don't get in other parts of the world." junta said.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Ada replied.

"Nah, I don't wanna!" Robin whined. "Can't we go eat some bananas?"

"Uh, Robin, I don't think they have too many bananas in Japan," said KelNino.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Robin screamed in a fit of rage as he ran around in circles, flailing his arms over his head.

"Uh, okay. So what DO you guys want to do?" fireangel asked.

Daniel had an idea. "Let's go shopping!"

On to Part 20!

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