
Once there lived a king with no wife and no child.  He wanted to marry, to have a dear loved one and a little dear loved one.  But none of the women wanted to marry him, because of his personality, which was very very very very lazy.  He lay around all day and all night, sleeping.  Some days, in the night he slept, in the day he lay in bed.  He got his breakfast in bed, he got his lunch in bed, and he got his supper in bed.  He spent every second in his bed.  

So the king decreed that every young single woman had to come to his palace and do something that they thought he would like.  A lot of the women didn't want to marry the king because of his personality.  So they would do something that they thought he wouldn't like.  

But this king was sort of opposite.  What kings liked, he hated.  What kings hated, he loved.  So when a young single woman who wanted to marry the king did something, he hated it.  And when a person did something that they thought he wouldn't like, he loved it, and he asked those people to marry him.  But they all said, "No!  No!  No!  No!  No! No!  No!  No!  No!  No!"  

There was one single woman who just wanted to be Queen.  She just wanted -- she didn't care about anything -- she just wanted to be Queen.  So she snuck a peek at every single woman.  The ones that the king did like, she said, "I'll do something like that!"  and when the women did something that the king didn't like, she said, "I won't do anything like that!" -- 'cause there was a law that it had to be different each time.  

But her turn was last.  And when it was her turn, she thought to herself, "I'm so silly!  I didn't even think of something to do!"  

The king said, "I like that!"  

"But I didn't do anything!"  

"I like that!  Do you want to be my wife?  Do you want to be Queen?"  

And she said yes, and they got married, and she had five boys and ten girls all at once -- first one boy, then the other boy, then the next boy, then the next boy, then the next boy, then the first girl, then the second girl, then the third girl, then the fourth girl, then the fifth girl, then the sixth girl, then the seventh girl, then the eighth girl, then the ninth girl, then the tenth girl, each day, one after the other. They called the boys Jacob, Juice-Juice, Joeniper, Joe, and Jake, and the girls Sillibit, Killibit, Phillibit, Kissabit, Fissabit, Kickabit, Hitabit, Littabit, Tillabit, and Billabit.

After a while, when they thought their birth line was done, they had a little little girl, and her name was Palillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillabit.

When the youngest boy was about, let's say, twelve or thirteen, and the youngest girl -- the last and final girl they had -- was about, let's say, five, she thought to herself, "My name is longer than everybody else's!  When I grow up and move away from my parents, I'm going to name myself something shorter, like Illabit!"

Just then, her parents came in and said, "We know how you're feeling.  Don't change your name.  We just named you that because you are special.  You are specialer than the other kids.  So please don't change your name!"

And from then on Palillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillalillabit never changed her name.

The End

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