The Nasty Princess

Once upon a time there was a nasty princess and her very kind mother and father.  

One day she decided to leave her kingdom.  She was going to go to the Kingdom of Mean Members of Royal Families.  She packed up all her dresses except for one.  

The king and queen wanted to catch their daughter and stop her from being treated kindly by the people who took care of the Nasty People in the Royal Families.  They didn't want somebody as nasty as her to be treated so kindly.

Then they had a plan.  They would make a net that looked like her favourite dress.  They realized she had forgotten her favourite dress.  But then the queen said, "Why not attach ropes to the dress instead of the silk that you tie around the waist?"  So they took off the silk that you tie around her waist and attached ropes that were very like the silk.

Then they went off towards the Kingdom That Is For Nasty Members of Royal Families.  They walked and walked and walked and walked.

Then they realized that their daughter had taken horse and cart, and that they would never reach her in time.  For they were much too kind to go into the Kingdom For Nasty Members of Royal Families.  

Then the king said, "Aha!  I have an idea!"  He said that they could take a horse and cart from a nearby town.

They walked a little further and they took a horse and cart.  Then they saw that their daughter had fallen off her horse and cart.  They said, "This is very, very good."

They pretended to be a different king and queen, very nasty ones.  They said, "We have this for you.  We realize that you left it at your kingdom."  They helped her slip into her favourite dress over the one that she was wearing.  

But instead of tying what the princess thought was lace, they pulled on it.  They pulled on the rope.  And they pulled, and pulled, and pulled and pulled.  They pulled so hard that they were at their kingdom in one second.

Then they never let the princess out again.

The End

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