:Well well, you  must be wondering what the heck I mean by "Creativity Project". It's quite simple. I (being as crazy as I am...) have tried out several "attempts" at making my environment Misao-friendly. This is not *just* because of my insanity, my mother has asked me to make Misao on my bed sheets, quilts, covers, soft board... she thinks it's *different*. Of course I had no objection... only that I can't draw anime and decided to paint flowers instead. T_T But not to worry! This page will be updated every fortnight/month/year (?!) according to my brain, home work, social life and whether my phone's still alive. Thus by the help of this page, you can sprinkle a little bit of Misao into your dull life!

Project no.1: Adding A Weasley Touch To Your Oh-So-Drab Room...

1) Printout of your favorite Misao picture. (many if you want a collage.)
2) Your clock. (It should be one of those normal ones with screws at the back, can be opened from the front and shouldn't be digital.)
3) Screw driver.
4) Scissors.
5) Glue.
6) Pencil.
7) Card board.
8) Good hand writing??
9) Mom's permission.

First of all take your clock and put it in your lap. (^_^) If your clock can't open from the front, you havta do it the hard way. Take out he screws with the screw driver and take out every thing. This means the card board already inside it, the needles <do it VERY carefully> and other assorted stuff. Don't be in a hurry otherwise you're gonna end up tearing it or bending the needles. <The 'second' one is very thin!>
If your clock can open from the front, yay. This way open it and gently pry off the needles. Then you can take out what ever it is inside. 
Next, take your piece of card board and cut it exactly into the inner shape of your clock. For e.g. if it's a circular clock, cut the card board like the inner diameter. Paste your printout onto this card board. Then punch a hole into it's center (use your scissor, pencil or what ever for this) for the needles to come out from. Be very VERY careful while doing this. I made the wrong hole and had to do it thrice cause Misao ended up having this huge gaping hole on her tummy! Now's the time you write on the numbers. WRITE THEM EXACTLY WHERE THEY WERE BEFORE OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE 'CAUSE OTHER WISE THE CLOCK WOULDN'T SHOW THE PROPER TIME!
I put them in the wrong places that's why I'm warning you. I didn't write the numbers manually either. I used this stencil thingy that made it look as if the numbers were printed. That's makes it look more professional.^^ 
 Now put the card board inside the clock and place the needles through the hole into it's base. Next, close your clock and hang it right above your desk so that whenever you look up while doing your home work you are reminded of me and Misao who are watching over you!

Eureka! I've got it! The picture of my clock! *gryn* Well, it WAS my first attempt so spare me the criticism! At least you can see what you don't like and omit doing that on YOUR handy dandy Misao clock! Enjoy!


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