Thank you to everybody who thought of my site as worth while! ^_^ I've got 14 awards now! I really can't believe it, can you? I know I can't! Did I mention I can't believe...

This award was my very first one! Thank you Angie-chan!
The award::
Her site::


This was given to me by Kaouru-Chan! Arigato!
The first award::
The second award::
Her site::


And this one was given to me by Dianne-chan! Arigato! 
The award::
Her site::


This isn't exactly an award, but it's a badge I won! ^_^ I'm so proud! 
The badge::
The site::


Haha, I finally got off my tush and applied for an award... and I won! ^_^ Thank you, Junpei -chaaaan!^^
The award::
The site::


Thank you for this award! I really appreciate it!^^
The award:: 
The site ::


Yippee! My third award in two days! Cool! I'm so-- shocked! O_O Thank you so much! *_*
The award::
The site


Look, another one! isn't it cute??? I really like the looks of this one! Thank you thank you thank you!
The award::
The site


Thank you so much! They're so pretty! *_*
The first award::
The second award::
The site::


I'm so happy! *sniff*
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The site::


Oh, how kawaii!!! Thanks! ^_^
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The site::


Okee, now I'm scared... my site isn't this good to deserve all this!!... ^_^;;;;
The award::
The site::


Oh, thank you! ^_^ (Now my ego has inflated to the size of a gigantic water melon...)
The award::
The site::


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