by Jerry Organ

Photographs don't lie...but sometimes they have other stories to tell/

Some believe a photo of the limousine racing on Stemmons to Parkland Hospital shows JFK's foot on the car rail. But an earlier photo show Secret Service agent Clint Hill about to place his foot there. There was room for three people on the seat, so Hill had room for his right leg to extend from his position to the car rail.

Dallas police nabbed Oswald at the Texas Theatre, in response to the nearby slaying of Officer Tippit. As Oswald was taken out to the police car, an officer attempted to place his policeman's cap on top of Oswald's head (supposedly to mark him as a "cop killer").

Limousine Drawing Modified

Zapruder Oddities
Head Shot
Canning Retraced
Limousine Drawing Modified

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(c) Copyright 2004 Jerry Organ. All rights reserved.

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