Letter from Shirley.  November 15, 1998
Which story, which story??  The fingernails or Thanksgiving.  Oh lets do Thanksgiving in Portland, OR.  If you want to know about fingernails ask me by email.
Prior to the Thanksgiving dinner we met upstairs at the P House.  A very good friend had invited me to dress at her place so I didn't have to do it in the car or in the P House bathroom again.   Since we dressed with no strain and a good mirror, we looked great, I mean really great.  I think we may have been the greatest looking girls there.  But I can brag and lie too.       ( I have the new wig now, ref page 3 story.)
Anyway, up rolls 4:45 and my friend says they are about ready down stairs.  We run through the rain, oops, walk fast, 4" heals that I love, from upstairs to downstairs.  We talked to and met many very nice people.  The blessing was said and we headed for the food.  The food was great and me on a diet.  I did try a little of everything except the pies.  It hurt but I left them alone.  The dinner was very pleasant and the conversation was interesting as we looked at life from more that one view.  As dinner winds down my Vodka bell starts going off somewhere downtown.  I can hear it all that distance.
Off we go to Hobo's.  It's raining like a cow and the flat rock. Know what I mean?  We drove to the area and there was no on street parking at all.  I drove to the lot that is a block west and the nice MAN in the COWBOY HAT says we can park the rusty thing over there, and I did.  As we proceeded to leave the lot I decided to tell the COWBOY HAT that I had done as instructed.  He was talking to a young couple in a Jeep.  I spoke to the COWBOY HAT and went on my way.  The young lady asked the COWBOY HAT, WAS THAT A MAN??  He said, YES, it was.  Since I had heard this and being an inquisitive person, I rushed back to the Jeep and asked the young lady, HOW DID YOU KNOW, HOW DID YOU KNOW????  "SHE" said, YOU DIDN'T WIGGLE ENOUGH.  Wiggle,  Wiggle,   Its raining, as I told you above, we are jumping puddles deep enough to float your boat and I'm supposed to WIGGLE.  WELL,  WELL, I'm going to take lessons in Wiggling.  By the time that you read this little story I will have more WIGGLE. The class is/was Nov 24.  I was there.  Watch my wiggle.
Hobo's was great, the whole day and evening was great.  A special thanks to my friend that let me use her mirror.  Please have a great Christmas. I will be off to Denver and Shirley doesn't go there.  YET that is.  They may get a surprise next year.  By then I will have more WIGGLE.
Note:  I am off to Denver again this year for Christmas, 1999.  Shirley does not get to go yet.  HE gets to go.  I have not gotten up the courage to introduce Shirley to my Denver friends.  I may take a picture with me on this trip.  One picture sayes a lot, right.   SJ
Love and kisses,  Shirley
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