Letter from Shirley.  October 31, 1999
It's Sunday night and I thought I would tell you about my great weekend in Portland.  It took me about and hour to get out of town Friday night. It was 7:15 by the time that I arrived at the motel across 217 from Washington Square.  I email ahead and get the $39.00 rate.  I showered and shaved, always have to shave again.  I put on my cranberry two piece outfit and was off to the elevator.  Oh yes, and out the side door, not past the front desk.  I was headed to Hobos.
There was no street parking so I parked at the city lot one block west of Hobos.  I got to see the COWBOT HAT again.  Now I have to walk, not run, for only a block.  I still get nervous when I first step out of the car. I was able to control my speed and to put some wiggle in the walk.  I seem to be able to wiggle better in higher heels than low heels.  I worked the wiggle all the way.
I ordered a drink and then Donna came in.  We sat and talked and I had to have something to eat.  The halibut appetizer is good at a low price, and it comes with FRIES.  We were joined by Miss Pool Shark.  She won her matches on Thursday night.  Good for you.   So dinner is over and the drinks are gone.  Donna says she is going and wanted to stop around the corner.  I have never been to THAT club around the corner so I went with her.  I am not too sure if I want to go in that place again.  WELL, they had this TV in the corner you see.  And these guys in the video were doing some strange things.  I was so embarrassed for the guy on the bottom.  That was enough for me and I headed for the motel, alone.
Saturday morning, it is decision time.  Who am I going to be today?  HIM or HER.  Shirley wins this battle.  I showered and went down to get a bagel and some OJ as HIM.  Then I checked out, to leave the key in the room later.  This way I didn't have to surprise the desk clerk later.  Then it was back to the room and dressed.  Off to do my shopping.  I needed a slip for Saturday night.  At Penneys a nice sales person in cosmetics asked if she could help me.  She then commented on my hair, how pretty is was and asked who does it for me.  I said, Honey this is a wig and I just shake it out like a wet puppy.  Then she pointed me to the lingerie department.  I said I would come back and talk with her in a minute.  I went up to lingerie and bought the slip. Not to expensive, short and black.  Shirley is having a ball today.
Back to see the cosmetics lady, her name is Shirley too. I asked about the colors of the foundation and powder that I am using, explaining that I chose the color last year and I still use it.  Things change and I thought I might need a color change.  She said, No, she liked the color on me.  Then she saw my long nails.  As you know I use the glue on with the little tabs.  I said, Thank you, I try to keep them nice.  She told me about her nails.  Then I said, Well all of this has to come off on Sunday night.  She asks, WHY?  Because I have to go to work on Monday, I said.  We laugh, nice lady laugh, not too loud you know.  I am flying high today.
How its off to look for a car trailer.  I need a 24 foot, enclosed car trailer, USED.  I drove over to 82nd but didn't see any sales lots with car trailers.  Its about 12:30 and I'm hungry.  I see an add in the newsletter for Starky's, I'm going to try it.  I took the add into the restaurant with me so they would know advertising in the newsletter works.  I had a nice lunch. Then its back to the West side for a beer at Embers.  Now its almost 2:00 and I have to find my friends place off  NW 25th.  Lots of traffic on 23rd, the trendy area I've been told.  I must go shopping there!!!!!!
I find the house and start moving my stuff in. I seem to pack more than I need or want to carry.  I must have the right shoes with each outfit.  The black bra is for tonight and the white one was for today and Sunday.  Three bags for a weekend stay.  When He goes, one small bag is the max.  Girls just need more equipment & things.
We have a drink and then we get ready to meet for the Halloween Party. On the way we have to stop at Freds for breakfast stuff.  We made a hit.  We couldn't or wouldn't have stood out more if we were painted RED.  Me, in my sorcerer outfit with the black 4 inch heels and my friend as a witch.  We made their night, lots of looks.  What fun, can't wait for next year! Maybe next year we dress up and go to Albertsons, Safeway and Freds and walk the isles for a while and make the heads turn.  Well, off to the restaurant.  We had nice conversation and dinner.  Donna, where is your belly button diamond???  Fell out, not enough glue.
Here comes the big party.  We went to the BOO BALL.  What fun seeing all of the costumes.  Some were real, real good.  The best was this guy that had on a white mask with long hair.  He came past me and took my left hand to stop me.  He said, Your Beautiful.  My heart jumped big time!!! This was the first time a MAN has told me that.  Then, he looked down at my hand.  OOPS, there is the cheap wedding band that I wear just for fun in the stores.  I should have told him my husband was in Argentina or something.  He let me slip away into the night.  At least I've been hit on.  YES, YES.  It must have been the feather mask that completed the picture.  What a night, Girls, you should have been there, or, maybe you were.
I drove home Sunday with a big grin, all the way. 
Love and kisses,   Shirley
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