October 11, 1998
Letter from Shirley.
I want to go shopping.  Before you can go shopping one must get dressed and I did.  I dressed at the Saturday meeting due to living circumstances.  I enjoyed the meeting but, I want to go shopping.  I decided to leave about 4:00 and proceeded to the car where one of my eye lashed fell off.  After a new glue job, I thought I looked fine.  I had on a nice sweater and a skirt with nylons and black 4" heels.  My wig is curly and was on straight.  I was ready.  In the car at the mall I took a final check on my make-up and was off to buy something. 
The cosmetics counter was the first stop.  I wanted some new Ultima II foundation, the thick and heavy stuff that you can really build on.  They don't call it foundation for nothing.  As I waited for the pretty little sales girl. I noticed a young fellow and his girlfriend walk by on the other side of the counter.  As they passed he looked around to check me out.  He walked on about 10 feet and turned around and came back a little and stared for a while.  I, being and adult, ignored his staring at such a pretty older lady.  OR, I ignored that he had made me.  At least the sales girl didn't say anything or stare.
After the foundation purchase I proceeded to the lingerie department.  I picker out the items that I wanted in a quiet area and went to the counter to Charge It.  This time, it was like being throw into a pack of wolves. The young thing at the other counter buying 6 bras made me on first glance.  Well so did everybody else. If eyes were teeth I would be very bloody.  There were about 8 of them and me.  "Oh well, just buy and run", I said.  
With the buying done I headed to the EXIT. Get me out of here.  OH no, at the cosmetic counter there was a roadblock. Now the decision, go around or what, OH, wait that old woman moved.  I'm through, run for the door.  NO NO, one must not run in 4" heels.  Walk slowly and pay attention to yourself.  I made it to the door, I was outside and back to the car. Safe at last.
As I looked back on this little experience I began to realize something.  You can't go shopping in a skirt or a dress.  You need the type of garment like all of the other shoppers are wearing.  You must wear JEANS.  Old JEANS if at all possible, and an old shirt or something that looks like it came out of last years laundry basket.  You can't dress up.  You stand out like you were painted RED. VERY RED INDEED.
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