This is letter 29,  Portland in August
Letter from Shirley
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Letter 27
Letter 30
Letter 29          Added on August 25, 2002

For the weekend of Aug 9, 10 & 11.
Thursday night I was invited up to Vancouver for Friday night and to get ready for the Saturday meeting.  What friends I have�  I was setting at my desk about 2:00 in the afternoon on Friday and the phone rang.  It was �K� telling me that we could get into Harvyes Comedy Club that night, could I make it by 6:45???  YES, YES I can.  This is a real fun club to go to.  The down side tonight is, I have to go as HIM.  Too much fun to pass up. 

I blast up the freeway as usual and get there in time to have 3 fast beers while waiting for �K� to show.  We meet her friends and go in and get our seats.   This time we were quite close to the stage.  They have three people.  A guy to start, a little person girl, and the head liner guy.  I never remember any jokes so I can�t steal their stuff.  They were all good and we had a ball.  After the show we cruised over to Vancouver and a little wine.

The next morning we went to breakfast and about 11:00 I started getting ready.  I showered and applied my make up and got on all the tight stuff.  I wore my new blue sweater T top and a black skirt with my white thong heels.  Casual, summer and not too hot.  I sat in front of the AC for a while before I left, just to cool down a little.

I packed the car and went in to say goodbye and I asked �K� if my make up looked OK?  She said yes, but lets go next door and see �E�.  So next door we go, with me thinking OH SHxx, I�m not ready to meet the neighbors, but I did it anyway.  �K� goes to the door and calls for �E� and here comes the husband and then the wife and then the12 year young daughter. About that time the two older boys come from the driveway and go into the house.  WELL, now that everybody has seen me, what�s next???   �K� says this is my friend Shirley and she wants to see what you think about here makeup.  (The boys go away, the husband goes away) So it us just us girls out in the sun for everybody to see.  �E� takes a good look and says that I am a little heavy (and I am thinking, to cover the black hairs, yes) and I could use a little more cheek color on the right side.  She askes, � did you use powder?�  And this is where I choked out a YES and gave myself away. �E� was very nice and didn�t bolt for the door and we talked about smudging my lip color a little more. There were thanks and nice to meet you and I ran for cover.  Later I called �K� and asked what �E� said later.  She said �BOY you have weird friends.�  MR. T, that�s �K� hubby, said, �And you are one of them.�  So not any damage done and it was a little fun.  She didn�t know until I started talking.  Best to keep quiet.

I went to the Sat meeting and called Brenda about 3:30.  She had just gotten home from camping for the week.  She says, come on over.  I left about 4 and headed to her place. I almost go run off the road by and OLD guy in a new BEETLE, jerk.  I might have called him something else too�.

We decided to go to dinner at Touche� again. Ravioli to die for, wish I could cook like that. The food is sooo good and we got to talk to the owners, he & she.  Very nice people.

Then the action started. We scooted through HOBO�s and then onto CC�s.  I should just let the pictures explain.  I don�t remember which boy I was dancing with.  But I had great fun for a while.
Pictures on 28
Pats Pictures
The camera owners & nice guyes.
Where you going with that hand, Pat??
Brenda,  Pat  and  Shirley J
I likes these guys, they PARTY.
Just a bunch of HOT BAR GIRLS...
The hostess for the night.
I was asked to remove a couple of  pictures, so I did.  We all seem to live more that one life. 

Some times one life will get in the way of the other life, and it did, or does, or whatever.
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