Martin Short page

The Martin Short Page

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Mr. Short owns, or did at this time, a resort near Rosseau, which is about 40 kilometres south of Parry Sound. As we all know, his company has included Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, the SCTV gang and the late John Candy (we never did meet any of them).

Other famous personalities with resorts in the Parry Sound area include Geddy Lee from Rush and Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Tom Hanks has been a guest at the Russell/Hawn homestead.

All the screaming and yelling Mr. Short did at the radio station were voice overdubs for the movie Captain Ron, co-starring Kurt Russell. I didn't actually enjoy that movie very much. My favourite Short movie is Inner Space with Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan.

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Rubbing shoulders

A spaced out Ken Lusk rubbing shoulders with a Canadian icon.

Interviewing Mr. Short

CKLP Reporter Jeff Orchard interviewing Mr. Short.

We were just sitting around the paper one day when the gang from the radio station called us to let us know that Martin Short would be showing up at the station to do vocal overdubs for a movie he had just finished filming (Captain Ron with Kurt Russell).

Quick as a flash we were there, and sure enough, he showed up. We never did get any flack for abandoning the newspaper office - good thing the hospital didn't burn down or something while we were away.
Mr. Short proceeded into a sound booth for a good hour and basically all he did was scream and yell. After that, he allowed interviews by the radio station and the paper, and we all got photogs with him. Note: he is shorter and not as good looking in real life.

We all watched from the window as Mr. Short left the building. He drove away in what must have been a 1970 station wagon (I think it had fake panelling on the side).

Any requests for photo copies or comments can be directed to the Webmaster at [email protected].

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