Maine Smoker's Rights

New York City Smokers are in trouble: WEB BUYERS $MOKED OUT

02/04/2006-Now, officials say, they're ready to get really serious and impose a $100-a-carton penalty - plus the $1.50-a-pack tax.

Bloomberg, Heckled, Presses Smoking Curbs

10 October 2002 ~ New York City Council Meeting

City Council hearings are sometimes important. They are occasionally well attended. But they rarely feature the mayor, a roomful of his hecklers and a man dressed as a giant cigarette.
story here


Mike's blowing 2nd-hand smoke

9 October 2002 - New York City

Not only did he catch other people's butts during his 60 years in this vale of tearing eyes, he was a cigarette junkie for half his life. Unlike Bill Clinton, Mike inhaled - not cigars, not pot, but real cigs.

And yet tomorrow in City Hall he will be the lead witness in his effort to persuade the City Council to prohibit smoking almost everywhere in the city. Mayor Bloomberg wants to turn us into Los Angeles East on the grounds of protecting bartenders and waiters from the evils of secondhand smoke.

article here

9-23-03 -Notice the legislation doesn't say what happens if the 16-year old is smoking in the car!
article here


Smokers Suing To Stop NY Smoking Ban
7-23-03- Six New York taverns - including two in Syracuse - sued the state Tuesday and asked a federal judge to stop authorities from enforcing the new law that bans smoking in all indoor work sites, including bars and restaurants.   article here      



October 23, 2002 -- Mayor Bloomberg yesterday lit into bodega owners who griped on the steps of City Hall that their businesses will soon go up in smoke because of a dramatic drop in cigarette sales.

article here



Mike's blowing 2nd-hand smoke

9 October 2002 - New York City

Not only did he catch other people's butts during his 60 years in this vale of tearing eyes, he was a cigarette junkie for half his life. Unlike Bill Clinton, Mike inhaled - not cigars, not pot, but real cigs.

And yet tomorrow in City Hall he will be the lead witness in his effort to persuade the City Council to prohibit smoking almost everywhere in the city. Mayor Bloomberg wants to turn us into Los Angeles East on the grounds of protecting bartenders and waiters from the evils of secondhand smoke.

article here


Antismoking Bill's Chances May Hinge on Personalities

2 October 2002

Relations between Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and some members of the City Council have deteriorated to such an extent that Council leaders are warning that the mayor's prized antismoking legislation may be in jeopardy.

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Audrey Silk's Speech Given At The Protest Rally:

Let's call Bloomberg's plot what it really is - The SMOKER-Free City Act.

Many nonsmokers, different from the anti-smokers, are behind us because
they recognize these extremist measures for what they really are - An
attack on freedom by our own government and where it could lead next.

Anti-smokers are waging a civil war against their fellow citizens.  The
anti-smoker crusaders publicly spew their hate of an industry to disguise
what has turned into their attack on fellow folk.

We are NOT the tobacco industry.  We are 30% of NYC residents.  This is
persecution by government against a segment of society freely choosing to
engage in legal behavior and the bar and restaurant owners who want to
serve us.

This political action has nothing to do with protecting the health of
others.  Dismissing high-tech ventilation as a solution and banning smoking
outdoors in a vehicle exhaust filled city proves it's about getting rid of
the smokers, not the smoke.

Further proof is the most recent news that Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester
Counties have met with our city leaders to implement a wide-spread ban.
Our elected officials have colluded against one third of the people.  To
protect others??  NO!  So that smokers will not have any refuge and will
stop smoking out of frustration.  This is evidenced by Nassau County
Legislator Corbin's statement:

"If you're downstate you're not going to be able to smoke anywhere but in
your closet.  If we stop the places in which you can smoke, the smokers may
not find it appealing to smoke."

How dare they use their power to impose their personal biases on others and
legislate behavior that is legal. 

Our founding fathers assured us we will never get this kind of brutal
coercive government.  Their vision is under siege.  Abuse of power is
threatening ALL of us.

When the anti-smokers ask where in the Constitution it says we have the
"right" to smoke, ask them where the rights they're claiming are
enumerated.  They're not.  They insist the Constitution was written in
their favor.  It's not.  ALL the people have the right to pursue happiness
and that's about as much as they can claim ownership to when referring to
the Constitution, as do we.

The anti-smokers call us selfish.  WE are not the ones asking that the
entire city accommodate ONLY us.  They want it 100% their way when there is
room for compromise.  Who are the selfish ones?

The anti-smokers use the adage "your right to swing your fist ends where my
nose begins."  Saying that, in their defense to end smoking in bars, is
like saying that to end fighting in a boxing ring.  Stay out of places
where you know "fists are being swung" and you won't get hit.  Any child
understands that. 

The owners and the owners only, of PRIVATE establishments, must be allowed
to decide for themselves how best to serve their customers - whether to
allow or ban smoking.  And employees and customers can use common sense in
whether to enter one or the other.

To turn a phrase:  The right to be intolerant ends where our civil
liberties begin.

That includes junk science about smoke from my cigarette and exploiting
workers and individuals who haven't asked for help to promote their
self-righteous, sanctimonious and puritanical cleansing of smokers from
this great city.

We must resist the extremists.

Thomas Jefferson said this:  "All, too, will bear in mind this sacred
principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail,
that the will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess
their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be

Millions who have wanted to, have stopped smoking without government
intrusion.  Millions more freely choose to continue.  The choice to use a
legal product is normal.  Tyranny in America is the aberration.

This is civil war.




More Articles About Mayor Bloomingnuts Smoking Ban




The unfree society of Michael Bloomberg
Billionaire Bloomberg also wants the city council to outlaw smoking in all restaurants and bars, though in many neighborhoods, bar owners and their patrons like things as they are. Bloomberg has a problem more serious than a smoking habit. He is a blindly intolerant man who does not understand freedom, but thinks himself a great progressive. He is like the Puritans of old of whom it was said they opposed bear-bating, not because of the suffering it caused the bear, but because of the pleasure it gave the spectators.

article here  


From Chuck Muth's newsletter.  

- Washington Times editorial, 8/14/02

Big Apple's Dudley Do-Gooder

"(New York) Mayor Michael Bloomberg has seen to it that the cost of
a pack of cigarettes now costs more than $7 - courtesy of targeted sin
taxes - and he's pushing for a ban on smoking in restaurants and bars for the
next step.
. . . It all sounds very noble, but the precedent being set by this type of
behavioral policing is going to be something we will one day

"That smoking is unhealthful is entirely beside the point.
Fast-food hamburgers are also bad for you.  So is too much sun.  Life is full
of choices that are no one's business but our own - unless we want to
erect a nanny state in which any self-appointed do-gooder can use the
machinery of government to enforce lifestyle and habit codes.

"Are we going to put sin taxes on cheeseburgers, or issue tickets to
sunbathers if they fail to wear the right amount of lotion?  Will
push-ups become mandatory every morning?  The principle is the same, and
therein lies the danger of 'for your own good' legislation that targets such
things as cigarette smoking.

"...Mr. Bloomberg and others who object to smoking are free to
patronize other establishments, and he and those who share his belief should
not insist upon enforcing their preferences upon everyone else.  They
should live and let live."


It's Not Over Till It's Over

Rebuttal on Proposal
City speaker: Still considering anti-smoking bill

August 10, 2002


In a tactical misstep, Mayor Michael Bloomberg boasted inaccurately Friday that the City Council speaker supports his sweeping new anti-smoking bill. The legislative leader, Gifford Miller, later emphasized he has yet to back it.

More pointedly, a Miller aide added: "We're not thrilled with Bloomberg's little tactic. Whoever his handlers are, steered him wrong.

It's a long, rocky road for this bill and we aren't rubber-stamping it."

article here



Bloomberg Seeks to Ban Smoking in Every Restaurant and Bar

article here



In California, where the Legislature passed a law in 1994 that banned smoking in all workplaces, including bars and restaurants, many tavern and restaurant owners feared dire economic consequences. Some studies, including one by the state's sales tax collection agency in 1998, actually showed an increase in sales after the law was enacted.



WRONG! The following study shows the REAL truth about how the smoking bans have HURT California:  



Mr. Bloomberg, who has a school of public health named after him, is aggressively antismoking. When he lobbied for his cigarette tax, he insisted that he did not care whether the city made or lost money, but rather that the tax would keep children from smoking. He has been known to chide reporters for their puffing, and has takes slaps at the tobacco industry in speeches.

He has found a kindred spirit in Dr. Frieden, the health commissioner, who said when he was appointed that his main priority would be to combat smoking. Dr. Frieden has even produced a radio advertisement deploring secondhand smoke.

Funny that he didn't bring this out BEFORE the election, isn't it! And he sure is going against our President's wishes as well:

"The role of government is not to create wealth.
The role of government is to create an environment
in which the entrepreneur or small business or
dreamer can flourish. 
And that starts with rule of law,
respect of private property, less regulatory burdens on the
entrepreneur, open banking laws so that all people
have access to capital, and good tax policy."

President George W. Bush
St. Petersburg University,
St. Petersburg, Russia
May 25, 2002


Pig in a Poke

Avoidance of sales taxes on big-ticket purchases, such as art, is virtually a tradition. And New York, for one, doesn�t like it .

click here



Read Their Lips: No Taxes/New York

MASTIC, N.Y. � Call it tax avoidance � and call it completely legal.

8 July 2002

Chief Wallace shrugged and lighted another cigarette. "If they're so bad, make them illegal," he said. "In the meantime, leave me alone."

article here




Cigarettes Up to $7 a Pack With New Tax

New York - 1 July 2002

RINO Mayor Bloomberg said: "If it were totally up to me, I would raise the cigarette tax so high the revenues from it would go to zero," said the mayor, who has said he hopes that the higher taxes will persuade smokers to quit and will prevent children from becoming smokers.

article here


The following is from Forces International :

Bloomberg must still be smoking dope if he thinks anyone buys his nonsense that hiking the cigarette tax is a public health measure.  The theory that people, especially "the children", stop smoking because of price increases has been discredited for quite some time.  When California raised taxes a few years ago its smoking rate supposedly went down.  For reasons never explained by anti-tobacco, but obvious to even a casual observer of human nature, the smoking rates in neighboring -- and low tax -- Nevada miraculously rose at just the same time.  No one will quit in New York City but many will buy out of state or off the internet.

Even the bozos running New York don't believe people will quit.  They estimate the new tax will bring in $111-million in the coming fiscal year.  For the next fiscal year they estimate the tax will enrich the city coffers by $116-million.  If masses of people are going to quit, as the mayor pretends, why would the taxes collected continue to grow?


Health Coalition Calls on New York State Senate to Act on Secondhand Smoke Bill

(Even though the Federal Court threw out the 1993 EPA's Study on Second Hand Smoke. Yet the anti-smokers are still using the EPA's Study!  The ANTI'S refuse to acknowledge the Federal Courts ruling!  It took the Federal Court 5 years to study what the EPA put forth, and yet, the ANTI'S refuse to acknowledge it.  And the EPA never appealed).

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