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Questions and Answers

In being a child, maybe the only problem you will be having is what to play and who to play with? But in being a teenagers, it isn't easy as you think it is. This will be the stage when you will be having your ups and downs. It is also the stage where you experience to solve a dilemma. So here are some of my ideas for it.

How to deal with BULLIES?

Many teenagers,even the elderly and childrens, are familiar to this situation. In this situation, it is very advisable to just stay away from them and never think of having revenge on them. Like what some says:"Being successful is the best revenge." Just prove them wrong by doing your best . In tht way, you can lift yourself up and get rid of bullies. Instead of fighting back, be good and kind to them. Because it doesn't mean that if other people are bad to you then you will also be bad. Be a role model even just for yourself and you'll know in the end it will be worth it. Kill them with kindness.

How to balance studies, family and fun?

I always expirience this kind of thing. I even got to the point that I forgot to take care of myself and that I still have a life. Always remember that you have a life to live and you are not a robot that lives with a program. When you are having big trouble with these, think of what is the most important. Who are beneficial to these things? Is it worth doing? Are all person concern beneficial? Think of the possible outcomes before making desicions. For me, you don't have to pick from your study, family nor fun. Because there is always time for everything. You just have to learn when it is.

How to budget your money?

If you still don't know how to save money then the process is quite confusing and hard. But when you already know how, I promise you, you would just laugh at those who doesn't as it is really easy. You just have to spend your money on those important things. You may also keep 10 or 20% of your allowance everyday in your pocket for future use and you may use the percentage of money left. If you always keep in mind your goals, I know you won't easily give up.

How to not give up?