PEARL: Whoo-hoo! I'm getting a new layout, finally! It's been like almost 3 years!
Anyway, since Savage seems to have forgotten the existance of computers in general, I have a new partner for the day. Lets have a round of raspberries for SD_monkey (formerly known as Shadow_Demon). Yay!
SD_monkey: Hi...
PEARL: Loquacious as always, I see.
SD_monkey: What the heck are you saying?
PEARL: That your vocabulary seems to get a little hefty only when I insult you.
SD_monkey: Anyway, just ignore her and visit the new look of the Queendom
PEARL: Enjoy! And tell monkey that he should work a little harder on my site! He's the one that did all the graphics for me. Banners and all that good stuff.
Please, be kind and sign the guestbook, and leave a little thought in the forum to get it started. I deleted the previous message board because I didn't like it anymore.
Sorry for those who had written a little something there. Thank you.
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