August 28, 2003         Added chapter 18 and the Epilogue of KoaM, uploaded new layouts for all the pages, put up a Van and Hitomi Image Gallery in the CMPC, and linked the Furuba Dynasty (still under heavy construction.

August 6, 2003          
Chapter 17 of KoaM

August 2, 2003          
Added a Van and Hitomi Image gallery (as a CMPC), and chapters 14, 15, 16 of KoaM, still working on the revamp of the Kodocha Reign.

July 22, 2003             
For now just Chapter 13 or KoaM, but I'm working on the Kodocha side, and doing some serious redecorating of the CMPC

July 20, 2003
            Chapter 12 of Knowledge of a Mother, but nothing else.

July 16, 2003             
Uploaded Chapter 11 of KoaM...That's it, though! ^_^

July 13, 2003             
Even if I haven't updated in a long time, it does not mean I have been idle. I actually managed to write nine chapters since the last posting of HPatKoaM, and I posted them all in the fanfiction page, and I even put up a completely different layout! Thanks to SD_monkey for all the graphics.

April 30, 2003             
I put up Chapter 1 of "Harry Potter and the Knowledge of a Mother". Hehe...
it only took me 5 days to write it. Sure, it's a bit short and rushed, but it's still an accomplishment and I'm proud of myself, anyway, go check it out.

April 25, 2003             
I'm not gonna comment on how long it's been since I obviously don't need to. Anyway, today I uploaded the Prologue to my first Harry Potter fic called Harry Potter and the Knowledge of a Mother. I know I shouldn't start new fics without finishing old ones, but this was really itching to get out and I'm afraid I'm putting all the others on teh back burner for now.

March 10, 2001
          Wow! I'm getting really lazy man! This has been like almost 3 months! But honestly I've been really busy with my Fall/Winter 2001/02 collection, and now I'm starting on the Summer/Spring 2002, so I didn't have much time to do much of anything so sorry. The only updeate I have is I uploaded chapter 2 of On The Wings Of The Tiger, so I guess y'all'll just hafta make do. But I will be doing some major update soon, especially in the CMPC page. Thanks for checking in.

December 21, 2000   
Gosh, it's been so long! Almost a whole month! Well, you people can just consider this your Christmas present (or Hunnakah...depending on your religion). I have to beg all of you forgiveness, but it is not my fault! The last few weeks I've been busy working on the second chapter of On The Wings Of The Tiger and I recently finished it, but as I was saving it my PC decided to make my life that much harder and deleted the WHOLE thing (and...lazy as I am, I didn't start rewriting it yet). But, besides changing backgrounds again (the one I had before was really pretty ugly) I added my Kodocha fanfiction in the Fanfiction Corner, including my new continuation series High School Hearts. I'm also taking over the CMPC page and research for that one's really hard since most of our couples don't really have many shrines (but I will NOT give up!), anyway, please go check out that sight because I need feedback on it. Besides, on it I've put the MESSAGE BOARD (hinthint), and a poll for the Honorable Mention. Please, oh, please, give feedback! Bye.

November 28, 2000 
I fixed up a bit the look of the Fanfiction page (not much, just put in an image) and changed the background to the whole Queendom cuz those cranes were really starting to bug me.

November 15, 2000  
I made a page with links on which are linked Achika's anime web garage (where the banner for the homepage came from), Giucci's Mars page, and Akane Miata's webpage. I also made a Link To Me site where you can get banners to use to link to this site. I also put up the banner Achika made for me!

November 11, 2000  
Wow, lately I've been doing a lot of work on this page! Well, I guess it'll be like this for a couple of weeks and then you won't ever hear from me again for a couple years. Anyway, I put up the first chaper of On The Wings Of The Tiger. I also made a new page called "The Story", in which there is a brief overall of the Ranma 1/2 series, and my opinion of it.

November 10, 2000
Yes, I know I've already updated today, but I'm doing it again. I added a fanfiction corner and the prologue to a fanfic called On The Wings Of The Tiger of my own creation. For now all that's there is the prologue but there'll be more coming soon.
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