Many years ago God told all the animals that he would have a party and that everyone was invited. A little bad mouse went to the cat and told him that the party would be held the next day. So the mouse arrived at the party on top of the bull and jumped off being the first one there. While everyone had fun till morning the cat stayed at home sleeping, dreaming a party that he would never take part in. Maybe that's why the cats still chase mice.
The story basically involves a basically simple, boring teenage girl, recently orphened who ends up sharing a house with three totally hot, very often naked young men cursed to turn into animals belonging to the twelve chinese zodiac signs (with the addition of the cat). Then hell breaks loose.
Layout by: SD_monkey (under Pearl's strict supervision)
Pearl Drop Angel: Oh, look what happened! I left SD alone for one minute, and when I came back I realized that he made the layout and forgot to put Shi in it! I'm sorry Shi! Don't worry, you're still my fav. To make it up I put him here on the front page.
SD_monkey: Thank me!

SD: The Layout!

SD: You left!

SD: In the Bathroom?

SD: Bite ME!

SD: Calling allies, now are ya? Traitor!!

SD: AHHH! *runs off screaming*

Savage Amazon: Look SD is being torn apart. Cool... Pearl you can stop cackling now, your scaring me.

Pearl: For what?

Pearl: But you left out Shigure!!!

Pearl: I had to work!

Pearl: No, on your head! It still needs
severe reconstructing.

Pearl: No, thanks, I'll get Shi to do it for me.

Pearl: Hehe, get to work Shi.

Pearl: *begins to cackle evilly...and doesn't stop...for a long time*

To be Continued...
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Last update: 08.28.03: Put up a magazine cover gallery, 2 wallpapers, and                                   fixed the Akito Gallery.
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