Volume 1
The story begins with a first year high school. Toru Honda that has lost her mother in a car accident that year and after a little family problem she went to live in a tent. Things start turning up to her when Yuki Soma, the most beautiful guy in the school, that is almost considered a prince, and his cousin Shigure, saw her getting out of the tent to go wash her face. She then finds out that the property she was on was The Soma families'. After a tragic mud slide on her tent she goes and stayes at Shigure's house where Yuki lives too. The next morning when Yuki was showing her the room where she would be staying, the roof crashes thanks to a young redhead guy enters the room ready to fight Yuki. Toru, still under shock, tries to stop the guy from fighting him but she accidentally fell on him. That's how this whole story began.When she got up she didn't find the guy anymore, but she found a little orange cat in it's place. A little surprised she gets up but falls on top of Yuki and Shigure, who turn into a mouse and dog, accordingly. After a moment of panic Shigure explains everything to her.
Thirteen people of the Soma family are cursed with the twelve Chinese Zodiac signs, Kyo with the cat. That means that every time someone of the opposite sex that is not one of the twelve animals bumps into them they turn into the animals they're cursed as. But apart the twelve of the chinese zodiac signs there is also another sign that thanks to the mouse didn't participate to the party so he wasn't included in the zodiac signs. That sign is the CAT. Shigure soma is the DOG, Yuki the MOUSE, and Kyo the CAT.
After they all calmed down and Kyo Soma, the guy that turned into the cat, and Yuki started fighting. At the end Yuki won as usual and they both went to school.
After school she goes to her part-time job and Kyo decides to meet her after work to apologize.
After a while, Akito Soma, the head of the family, tells them that Toru can stay over to live with them and that Kyo has to live with them too going to the same school.
On Kyo's first day of school there's some problems that come out but nothing too bad.
Later o in the volume we have the pleasure to meet Kagura Soma, another one of the Twelve animals, that is majorly in love with Kyo but he's scared of her, sinse she shows her affection with violence. She's really adorable and shy even though she's the BOAR, and she's also one year older then Yuki and the rest.
After they finally start getting familiar with each other and living together Toru's grandfather called her telling her that she could come back home after the reconstruction of the house was done. She leaves the Soma family and goes back to her grandfather's house. That same day in the Soma house the silence was too much to take so they went to her house and rescued her from her mean family that didn't really want her to live with them. This volume ends when she goes back to her new family and that she's finally part of a Fruits Basket.
Many years ago God told all the animals that he would have a party and that everyone was invited. A little bad mouse went to the cat and told him that the party would be held the next day. So the mouse arrived at the party on top of the bull and jumped off being the first one there. While everyone had fun till morning the cat stayed at home sleeping dreaming a party that he would never participate in. Maybe that's why the cats still chase mice.
     This is how the story the begins!
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