A. Documentation of the Development Process

I created the website for my uncle's store which sells all items for babies 18 months and under. Since it has age restriction I put 0-18 months after Babygirl and Babyboy menu list in the navbar. This will let the users know the site only sells specific age group kids items. I created two navbar at the top. The first navbar has the logo of the store which is the name of the store. I used google font for the name of the store. If users are having difficulty finding what they are looking for then there is a contact us page where the user can submit a form and it has information like phone no, email and google location of the store. I searched the address in google map and embeded their iframe in this page. This will help the user find directions to the store. To make it easy for the users sale and new arrivals are dispalyed in the home page so that is what they see while visiting the website for the first time. To make it easier for new parents I have a NewBorn and Essentials section where they can browse all the things that they will need for the baby incase if they have no idea.

B. Defense of the Final Product

I tried to make the website as modern and as appealing as I could but it will oviously not be good in comparision to the real websites. Today's website are created with frameworks and third-party plugins and here I have used only HTML and CSS. I used tables for most of the body layout. I know this is the old way of developing website but I could not figure out a better way. Creating a separate css for column grids would be very time consuming so I decided to use table tags. The blue color that I choose for my navbar and footer is complaince with 508 standard. I have seen this kind of background color being used in almost every nyc government websites. The second navbar background black color goes well with both the blue and white background. I used a soft pink for all the buttons, fav-icons and h1 tags. I liked how this color brings life to the website. It makes the webpage look appealing and also it suits website for baby itams. My uncle does not have a logo yet so I changed the font of the store name. I used google font in green color to make it look like a logo. I have tried to use as much less font styles as possible. For the body I have used Arial font which is the most common in websites. I also used h1, h2 and paragraph tags. The home page has a huge banner image which shows sale and also new arricals are displayed here. There is a signup form where user can input their email and join to get a 25 percent discount.The My Account page has all the information of the user and also information about their order history. They can also edit their personal information here.The shoping cart page is where the customer will see their added items, order summary and saved items. The second navbar has a menu of items which the user can hover and a sub menu will appear with all options under that category. I used a small submenu because of the limited number of items under each category. Since my uncle store is small and the items are for certain age group I do not feel like the site needs a big menu. The footer section has links to social media like instagram, facebook and twitter. I used font-awesome icons for shopping cart, social media, email and phone.

C. Oppertunities for Improvement and Growth

I am satisfied with how the website turned out but would certainly like to do more. In the home page I would like to add a carousel with pictures and deals. I would also want to make the website responsive in all the devices. At the moment the website looks good only in desktop but not in a mobile device. I think using framework like bootstrap would be the best option. Right now all my pages are separate html page. I would want to make it a Single Page Application so that the loading time of the website would be improved greately. If I had time I would have made the website responsive in all devices either with CSS or bootstrap. I prefer using bootstrap though. Also I would use Angular JS or React for more functionality like Ajax along with single page. If I had time I would have also made page for displaying the products and an item page for individual item related infrmations.