MAJICK, and RELAXATION

Our lives are full of magical happenings everyday, Often when one thinks of magic, it brings to their minds things like tricks, pulling rabbits out the hat, that sort of thing. They don,t recognize real magic. Learn to connect and embrace the magic ocurring in your life. We live in a magical world, We are part of it. That phone call that comes at precisely the right moment, A book we pick up that teaches us what we need to know, A movie that contains just the right message we may need to open our hearts or an opportunity that seems to come out of nowhere, this is real magic. And we can create our own magic, by learning the power of positive affirmations, meditation and directing our positive energy towards what we would like to manifest in our lives. Call on your spirit guides, whomever it is ,create a magical ritual, think it and it becomes!!!
Create your own personal sanctuary within yourself, a place you can visualize and go anytime you want. A place that is safe, relaxing and peaceful. You create this place exactly like you want.
Close your eyes and relax in a comfortable position. Imagine yourself in some beautiful natural environment. Maybe it is some place you have been before, or any place that seems appealing to you. A meadow, sweet with the fragrance of wildflowers, gently swaying in the wind. In a forest with its earthy aroma and the soft sounds of wildlife. A mountain top amongst the clouds. The ocean side with the constant lull of clasping waves. Any place where you will be comfortable. Now do anything you like to make it your home, place your favorite things there for your enjoyment. Do a ritual to establish this place as your own. It becomes your power place, rejuvinating, relaxing and stress free. From now on this is your personal sanctuary. you don,t need travel agents, money or a lot of time. Just your imagination and a few minutes. It takes practice to use creative visualization, but keep trying until you can call on your place anytime you need.
                     JUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Deep breathing is one of the simplest ways to relax,when you slow your breathing and focus your attention in your lower abdomen, it has profound physiological and psychological effects. Deep abdominal breathing relaxes tight chest muscles and opens up blood vessels so your heart pumps more effectively. It also helps you think clearer and calms you in stressful situations. The wonderful thing about this relaxation tool is its always available to you and can be done anywhere. To do it , sit in a chair with your back straight. Slowly breathe in and feel your lungs filling from bottom to top. Focus your attention on your belly; let it expand as you breathe, then slowly exhale , emptying your lungs from top to bottom. Do this twice a day for about 5 minutes, as you inhale , think clear, cool mind. As you exhale think calm, relaxed body. Try it.      
Through out the course of our lives we all acquire habits, some good and some not so good. And some downright damaging to our well being. Habits are formed and rooted in our subconscious minds through repetition, they become automatic reactions, performed without thinking. Focus on breaking that cycle of negative reactions and replacing them with more positive behaviors. Lets take a look at the effects of negativity, a negative thinker views any new situation or problem with a sense of despair and defeat. They knock themselves out of the ballpark before the game even begins. This is a learned pattern; an automatic response. With this distorted way of thinking we are actually inviting misery and corruption into our lives. If we don,t break this habit, our lives will be shadowed by gloom and doom. Break this cycle and replace it with positive energy. Create for yourself a more fruitful and bliss filled life. Some habits are acquired through others and some are distilled in us during childhood. It is a well known fact that if we repeat something over and over again, it becomes memorized, part of the subconscious. Take your mind off auto-pilot and reprogram it. Question the quality of your thought patterns.  If we think and repeat positive thoughts these will also become memory. We can greatly improve the quality of our lives by daily repetition of upbeat and positive affirmations. The more you repeat them, especially with conviction and intent, the better the results. Imagine yourself as you would like others to see you, think and become. Break that negative chain, create a new and more improved you! For quick results, repeat them at bedtime, just before sleep, at this time the subconscious is more susceptible. 
Exhale the past, the feelings, the beliefs, the toxins. Let it all go. Let your self be transformed. Breathe in the new air, the new energy, the new beauty. Embrace the freedom. Practice being silly and majickal!!!!!! Open yourself up to the universe and accept unconditional love. Become a light worker, spew your healing light into everything.
Think of yourself as an artist, and your life is your greatest work of art. Every moment is a moment of creation. Look at all the alternatives, and try something new and different. Every moment presents a new opportunity. What a wonderful game we play, and what a magnificent piece of art you are!!!!!
Develop a sense of the sacred. Where you are standing now is holy ground. Value your connection, the way you choose to express your majick, It is your expression of love. Appreciate and respect where you are now, but let yourself move to the next level when it is time. You are powerfully connected, be open to your inner voice and go where it leads you.
                                     RELAX! LIGHTEN UP! LET GO!
Let go of old wounds, the anger, the guilt, the fear. Go beyond, imagine all is picture perfect. You are in that picture and you are o.k. You are getting better every day and in every way!!!

                                                   BE FLEXIBLE 
The hard and stiff will break. The soft and subtle will yeild. Become flexible, swaying like the trees in the wind. Weather the storms, they will pass. Keep your balance.

                                          PRACTICE FORGIVENESS
Forgive yourself and forgive those who have hurt you, let go and open your heart, your mind and your soul. Do not allow the WHAT IF to destroy the joy of the  WHAT IS. Let the past slip away and come happily into the moment!!!
          Love has no price. It's only love if it's free.
               Learn to accept comfort, and learn to give it.
                   Walk courageously each step of the path on
                         the journey to the heart.                    
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