Karen Anne Taylor

Karen Anne Taylor at SCC in Atlanta GA Karen Anne Taylor in Scottsdale AZ Karen Anne Taylor at Kathy Louise’s Wedding in Fayetteville NC
Karen Anne Taylor
Karen Anne Taylor at an ATM in Raleigh NC Karen Anne Taylor in a BMW in Research Triangle park (RTP) NC Karen Anne Taylor on the Beach in Myrtle Beach SC


Organization affiliation and/or involvement has included:

Sigma Rho DeltaTri-EssTransgender ForumTG LifeEquality North CarolinaHuman Rights CampaignGeorgia T-GirlsPink Essence of Georgia

Vital Statistics

Karen Anne Taylor at ENC BBQ in Raleigh NC
Why List This?: So people will stop asking me these questions!
What: Single Heterosexual Male-to-Female Crossdressing Human (and so much more!)
Frequency: Part-time (whenever I feel like it!)
Started: 1971 (as best as I can pinpoint)
Birth: Tennessee in January 1959 (Capricorn)
Education: B.S. Computer Science, School of Engineering, 1981 (Music Minor)
Home: Southeast USA (at present, Atlanta, Georgia)
Height: 6'
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Dress Size: 10
E-mail: [email protected]

Thank you for your interest in KAT’s TAIL. Its sole purpose is to provide transgender information to you for enlightenment and life enrichment. If you should e-mail me, please understand that due to the volume of e-mail received that I just cannot answer each and every one in a timely manner. If you do request a response, I will do what I can to respond quickly, but please do not be upset if that does not happen – it’s more of a reflection of me, not you. E-mails in pursuit of a ‘dating’ nature, however, will not be answered.

Best wishes to you, enjoy the rest of your visit on the Web site, and come back again!
