Julia Simmons

Lucy's Day Out

As I checked myself over in the full length mirror, my only thoughts were "But I just said it as a joke - now look at me !" Look indeed. A pretty - no, sexy - young lady looked back at me. She had glossy shoulder length dark brown hair and was beautifully made up - eye shadow, eye liner, blusher and pink lipstick. She wore neat little earrings and a gold necklet, while her nails glowed with pink polish. A satin dressing gown wrapped round her, ending well above the knee to reveal shiny pale lurex stockings. This was Lucy - and Lucy was me ! My heart thumped and I trembled. I just couldn't believe it. I slowly let the robe fall open. There was my new white satin basque with its wired bra to cup my boobs, tight frilly little panties and suspenders holding up my nylons.

I don't know how long went by as I gazed at this apparition. I very very slowly ran my hands up and down my basque, feeling the smoothness of the satin, the dangling laces and the firm wires embedded in it. Then slipped on my new shoes with the medium heels and looked at myself first from the side, then from the back. A knock on the door made me start. "Come in" I called, automatically, and Sally bustled in. A tall blonde, she was also carefully made up and wearing her dressing gown. "Oh, you do look nice", she said, "Time to get ready - how do you feel ?"

"Nervous .... no, terrified. But ... more excited than I can tell you."

"Me too" she giggled "It's going to be a great day. Now, what must we do first ?"

I unfastened the laces which ran down the front of my basque and put my hands behind myself. She grasped the laces and pulled firmly. "Breathe in." I did so, and the corset gripped my waist as she tugged, finally securing the laces with a firm knot. "OK" ?

"Yes" I breathed, a little faintly, my hand resting protectively against my stomach. "Yes, just about." The lacing was not just for the sake of it (though it felt delicious) but because our dresses had bodices with gathered in waists.

"Now me" ordered Sally, slipping off her robe to reveal identical underwear to mine. I fastened her up, leaning forward with some difficulty as the basque made bending difficult. It was the most fantastic feeling, to be in this super sexy lingerie lacing up a real woman. As I finished, she settled herself comfortably in the basque, adjusting how her boobs lay in the cups.

She carefully took the peach satin dress from the hanger and held it open for me. I stepped in and she lifted it past my waist and over my shoulders. I caught my breath as the zip ran up my back and fastened at the nape of my neck. The scoop neck dropped demurely at the front and my neat boobs pushed the satin out gently. The net underskirt made my skirt flounce out, so that as I moved it rustled and swayed round my shiny nylons. I closed my eyes and felt light-headed with joy, panting slightly as my heart pounded. Sally quickly added my accessories and went back to her room to dress. I made my way slowly and carefully downstairs in a daze of delight.

Fifteen minutes later Sally and I were in the back of the limousine. For a split second I felt trapped. Trapped in the dress and makeup, trapped in the corset and suspenders, trapped in the car and trapped in the role I was playing. The panic was gone in a moment - I WAS the woman I'd always wanted to be. We were wearing net headdresses, elbow length satin gloves and carrying bouquets. We were off to be bridesmaids at my brothers wedding !

Rob had known for years that I was a TV, and so had his fiancee Helen. She had been really helpful to me, and had accompanied me on shopping trips. It was only in the last year, with her help, that I'd ventured out dressed. Well, I wasn't too tall and was slimly built, so all it took was good makeup, and practice. Now I went out maybe once a week - just to TV clubs or window shopping or for walks in the country. It was when Rob and Helen were at my flat planning their wedding that I made the fateful remark. "What fun it must be to be a bridesmaid" I said wistfully, "Who are you having ?"

As usual when they visited me I was dressed en femme - so nice to be like that in company, to be able to casually wear sweater, miniskirt and stilettos. "Not sure" said Helen, "Sally of course, but we're a bit stuck for a second." And so the seed was planted. What at first was a ridiculous fantasy slowly became a possibility, then a probability, then a certainty. The final step was for Helen to get Sally's agreement. When she had got over the shock of the idea, Helen took me round to see her, dressed. This seemed to reassure Sally that she would be standing in church next to someone who would pass easily for a woman. After that she became really enthusiastic about the whole thing.

We drew up at the church, and were helped out of the car with everyone watching us. I felt so exposed, but at the same time so feminine. A cool breeze whispered around the churchyard, and I felt it on the bare flesh above my stocking tops. I had a sudden fantasy that it would suddenly blow my skirt up, and allow everyone to see my suspenders and panties, and this made me feel even more helpless. Helpless ? Well, I was on heels, I couldn't really feel anything through my satin gloves, the basque was tight around me and I had to be dainty and feminine and not attract any suspicion.

Soon Rob and Helen arrived and we followed them into the church. I don't remember much of the service, just standing there in the cool stone building feeling like a million dollars. The first acid test came with the photographs. As we were lined up I was introduced for the first time to - my parents ! I smiled sweetly, and they shook hands and said they were delighted to meet me. They were unaware of my alternative TV life - all they knew was how unfortunate it was that their second son, the computer expert, just had to be abroad on business for his brothers wedding. They went straight on to the next guests, and I was introduced to all my aunts and uncles as "Sally's cousin".

The reception came and went and we ate and drank. There were speeches, and we danced. Twice I had to go to the loo, and made sure Sally came with me. There were other women in the Ladies, and we all laughed and giggled together, repairing our lipstick and spraying on a little more perfume. Twice I suddenly came down to earth with a lurch as I caught young men looking longingly at me. One of them I danced with; part of me felt at ease as a woman and another part was panicking wildly at being held in a man's arms.

All too soon it was over. Rob and Helen left, and after more goodbyes, Sally and I took a taxi back to her house. There we flopped down on the sofa and talked over all that had happened. How no-one had looked even slightly suspiciously at me. How I'd automatically responded when anyone said "Lucy". How being a woman was such a delight for me.

We took our dresses off and hung them up. It was past midnight; Sally put on her dressing gown and went to make coffee. I stood in my undies gazing at myself in the mirror, then loosened my basque with a sigh of relief and joined Sally downstairs. We lolled in the easy chairs, legs tucked up under us, suspenders casually showing, as two girls together. "Lucy, you were wonderful, you did everything right. You moved right, you spoke right - no-one can ever have suspected. How did you do it ?"

"Don't really know .. I just felt so natural and relaxed after the first hour or so. Being a woman feels so right ... can't explain it any better than that." I still had all my makeup on, and caught sight of myself in a mirror. Yes, that's me, that's Lucy. After a couple of gins we went off to the tedious business of removing makeup - it was past two before I snuggled down in bed in my frilly nightie and drifted off to sleep thinking of the most feminine day of my life.

I wasn't down for breakfast until 11 o'clock; as I came into the kitchen I could see Sally had only just made it before me. She stopped drinking her orange juice and looked at me in some confusion. "I didn't realise you were dressing up this morning."

Well might she be surprised. The plan was that the young man in jeans and sweatshirt who had turned up the previous morning with his bags would be off back to his flat thirty miles away this morning. Instead Lucy had come into the kitchen, dressed in miniskirt and wearing full makeup with her hair smartly arranged. She sat down, crossed her legs and modestly tugged at the hem of her skirt. She wrapped her arms around herself, shivered, and took a deep breath.

"You've seen the last of Mark. I've thought about this for a while, and yesterday confirmed it. I'm going to be a woman 100% of the time. No ifs or buts, Lucy is here to stay." Sally was pretty surprised at the way, as she thought, a harmless hobby had taken hold of me. After a couple of hours she bade me goodbye with a sisterly kiss, and we promised to see each other again soon.

An attractive young woman drove steadily on a Sunday afternoon back to a flat in a nearby town. Part way she may have been seen to stop in a lay-by and deposit some clothes in a rubbish bin. Her uninterested neighbours in the block of flats assumed when they saw her that the previous occupant had moved out suddenly.

Mark was absent from work through sickness for a few days and then unexpectedly resigned. A couple of weeks later a Ms Lucy Young started work with a nearby computer company.

When Rob and Helen returned from their honeymoon, they were not too surprised to be met at the airport by an attractive young brunette. But they were astonished by what she had to tell them.

There is a postscript. Six months later Sally was married, and Lucy was a very special guest, along with her brother and sister in law. She was a totally relaxed. Helen told her she looked stunning in a pale blue silk suit and hat, with her hair (her own, now) curling gracefully down to her shoulders. She giggled, drank champagne, posed for photos with the rest - and even flirted a little. She no longer had to think carefully what to do - it all came naturally. Lucy is a woman now.

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