Julia Simmons

My Story

There's probably nothing unique here - no doubt many TV/CDs will tell a similar story. At about the age of 12 curiosity prompted me to try on my mothers undies and dresses .. and it felt good. This was in the early 1960s, when boned corsets were tight, bras were firm and there were plenty of suspenders to fasten up. After a couple of years I had progressed on to wearing her makeup. Naturally I was confused, and thought I was the only one in the world doing this, but I couldn't stop as it was such a big turn-on. A few times I ventured out dressed in the evening when my parents were out, walking around the local streets in the dark. Once my mother caught me dressed, and although horrified, didn't know what to make of it any more than I did.

I didn't get the chance to dress much during college, but at least I started reading about TVism. For a while I was a member of the Beaumont Society, and got a lot of reassurance from realising how many of us there are.

Of course (how many of us do this ?) I went and married a woman who could never accept CDing. I never even raised the subject with her, so for nearly 20 years I was a secret dresser, doing it when she was out and taking a few photos of myself. I've always been attracted to the sexy, glamourous side of being a woman - though I don't kid myself that this is a realistic picture of most womens lives. Over the years I've learned to buy myself dresses and lingerie and have progressed from my original terror at going this to my present state of severe embarassment.

Eventually the marriage broke up for reasons unconnected with TVism. For a while I lived on my own, and dressed almost continuously at home, often spending entire weekends dressed. It was bliss ! (but lonely). First thing Friday evening it was bath, lotion, scent, makeup and then dress. And then think about getting myself something to eat. All weekend I was a woman until I went to bed Sunday evenings in my little frilly nightie. All this time I had my makeup spread out, a wardrobe full of dresses and drawers of lingerie. The garden of the little house was more or less hidden from public view, though I was turned on by the thought that passers by could probably just make out the figure of a woman through the hedge. Sometimes I would go out dressed to TV/CD meetings, but was (and still am) self conscious about my height.

A couple of years ago I met Judi, to whom I am now married. She is wonderful, and can accept my CDing within reasonably wide limits. She sees that this is something internal to me, and that when I am dressed I am excited, a bit distracted and not always ideal company.

Judi herself is a sexy person, can be submissive and is interested in mild exhibitionism and bondage. Perhaps it's because she's conscious of the power of dress and display that she can understand TVism. For example, sometimes when we go to our favourite restaurant she wears her thin silk Chinese dress with slits up the sides. Her stocking tops and suspenders show as we walk down the street, which embarasses and excites us both. She only gets unhappy if I get too self absorbed and there are certain things she won't do while I am Julia.

Julia has two distinct moods. Often she wants to be a neat, attractive career woman, and tries to dress for the office or a smart social occasion. She wants nothing more than to be accepted as a woman. Other times she feels so sexy, and dresses like a tart. No skirt can be too short, no bra too uplift, no waist too pulled in ... and she always wears 4" spiky heels.

That's about it for now, so press an arrow for .....

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