November 2000
Am I too old to be wearing such short skirts?  You be the judge!!  But please, let me down gently!
with this pose, maybe I should have been sticking out my tongue??
ready for work ... once again!
maybe a slightly more lady-like sitting pose than a few pages back??
Amber, playing center ... 27, 33, 51, hut1, hut2, hike!!  Kind of a cute football outfit, no?
Book her, Danno !!
HAWAII 5-0 ??
Aren't I shy?
Fun (& true) story ...
Coincidentally, just a couple weeks after taking these pictures, the secretaries in the building where I work organized "wear a Hawaiian shirt to work day" ... something fun to stave off the impending winter, to forget the snow and cold for a day.  Now what do you think, should I have worn this outfit to work?  Now THAT might have livened things up :)  Well, maybe if they do it again next year ...