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You have got yourself into my personal page, before you go any further I think that I should warn you, that this page is dedicated to me and my likes and dislikes.

I love hairy men, big hairy men drive me crazy.   You know the feeling of a hairy mans hair rubbing against your body while you are making love, or even if you are just lying close together in bed, the warmth it offers.   That feeling you get when you stroke your hands across his hairy chest or when you tongue and lips comb every hair on his body.........., I think you get the pictures, cause if I go on any more, I will have to postpone the completion of this page by a while again.

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I also enjoy chubby men, I have always had this thing for big men, I suppose I just want to have him there, and not have him slip away between my fingers.   When I feel like meat I order a big juicy rump steak not a minute steak, well the same for men.  Ironically I don't eat fat on meat, but I sure eat meat on chubby men.

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How do I feel about sex, well I have a page dedicated to the way I feel about sex, why not check it out. 

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Want to know more about me, well you can either wait for the next update, or just click on the Icon below

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