
I have always had an open mind when it came to sex, and at the end of my teens I realised some things that changed the rest of my life.  Sex is an animal thing, and humans cannot control it.  When you are in the mood, or should I put it scientifically, when you have the need to relieve your sexual tension, you will do what comes naturally with whom ever you feel comfortable and sexually attracted to. 


Why is it that a group of straight men can talk about sex when they are together, need I mention that "straight men" are always horny when they are with their friends, but very loving when they are with their women.  Funny how a man can entice your sexual appetite.  I am not saying that all men are gay.   But all people are bisexual, we have both male and female hormones in us and it is only natural to be attracted to both sexes.

No straight man will ever admit this but all men have walked on the beach or in a shopping mall and have seen another man that attracted them sexually, how each man takes it from there depends entirely on him, but very few do what comes naturally.  If only people stopped and looked at life for what it really is, life would be a lot simpler.  Hey, we only live for about 75 years, if we won't try everything life has to offer, what is the bloody point?


I live by a policy that I will try everything at least once, if I like it good, if not, good experience.  At least I can say that I have lived my life to the fullest.


I have designed a page with a lot of WHY questions that I ask myself when I am upset, some are just stupid momentry question but others do make you think, why not take a look, if you have an answer for any of them, send it to me and I will up it on the page, regardless of the answer, we all have a say here.


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