(My version of Alanis Morissette's song of love, lust,and learning...)

Dear Brian,
I liked you a lot,
You were my first relationship if puppy love counts
It’s our friendship, though that I miss most
I would like you to know that our seven months and six years have never left me
And if I ever run into you, as I do in my dreams, I would like
To tell you that truly my biggest regret is dismissing our friendship so carelessly.
I was wrong…

Dear Heather,
I liked you too much
Six years ago you opened my eyes to a world of ‘firsts’
I was surrounded by rainbows and all that was impossible
You were my first girlfriend, the first of many during the course of our relationship
Through you, or in spite of you I found the jerk that resided in me
The truth is, whenever I think of our time together I am reminded or how
the truth behind love can just as easily be timing…

Dear Tara,
You excited me,
You were everything I wasn’t allowed to have and so I craved you more
At the expense of a relationship I kept drawing you in
And pushing you away when things got too intense I remember how sad you were
In your car how awful I could treat you one minute to the next yet you wouldn’t go away
And how sad I was when you and everyone else finally did
What was wrong with me

Dear Gloria,
You were never there for me,
It was a one-sided relationship for the most part
Yet I still clung to your image hoping for more
And sometimes you would come through and we’d be okay
But I could never really feel relaxed or understand your decisions though
So it died with a whimper and many hard feelings from both sides
I’m very happy that we’ve found a long distance friendship and that you’re okay

Dear Cara,
I don’t know what to make of you,
You snuck in at a very turbulent time and never really left
And it’s not that I ever loved you but something just clicks
I haven’t seen you in real life for quite some time and these
Thoughts and our phone calls somehow feel wrong
And maybe it’s just that I don’t trust myself or want so bad to have changed
I don’t know

Dear Kristyn,
You came when I needed you,
Like clockwork you entered as she left and nothing changed
Perhaps that is why we went through so much so fast
And then it was over before it began
I hope all is well

Dear Jennifer,
We’ve travelled a long path,
It’s been four years and counting with many bruises along the way
And I’ve treated you badly and then it was your turn and now there’s no more pain
But am I just fooling myself again or can this really be our time
But it’s been almost a year and we're still going strong so I guess
Real love can find a way...

MUSIC: Unsent - Alanis Morissette