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What happens if you don't like being gay?

It is not a mystery why people do not like the homosexuality often within themselves. One theory is when we are born, we are too young to have our own opinion, so we interject (or take in) our parent(s) views as our own. When we are old enough to start judging things for ourselves, we do not go through all of our views we have currently taken on one by one, and individually think about whether or not we differ in view from the views originally given to us from our parent(s), we only change them if some other evidence or experience informs us that the original view is wrong.

So, with respect the subject of homosexuality & bisexuality, previous generations were not generally as accepting to homosexual relationships as younger generations these days; therefore, by the time we discover our own sexuality, our parents views have become our views (because we have had reason to change them if we haven't encountered a visible gay person), thus we would be against our own sexuality. Also, as other people in society have been brought up with similar parents with similar views, friends and peers can be homophobic, because they have probably never had any reason to change their viewpoint. In my personal experience, people who have appeared to be the most homophobic, have actually been very understanding and supportive - to my surprise.

Most people who have encountered homosexuality become accepting, but if somebody has never met a gay or bisexual person before, they would probably have their worst fears in mind, but we are not green men from Mars, we are normal people - just with a different sexual preference - that's all. This fact is important to remember in my view; gay people are not completely different to heterosexuals, as much as people who are attracted to blonde's are no different to the people attracted to red heads.

In my personal experience, my friends at college were all very good and didn't mind about my sexual preferences; but older generations have in general more of a difficulty to get used to the idea of same sex attraction. This is a positive sign for the future. It is important to remember that if everybody around you appears to be against homosexuality, they are often not really thinking, and just saying what they think everybody feels - so they aren't out of place.

See: What support is out there? to find out possible ways to become more self accepting and how to like yourself.

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